Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My first quilty finish!

I have to admit I'm not a quilter by any stretch of the imagination but we all have to start somewhere and this table runner is the first thing I've actually completely finished.
I finished the top at least a year ago and finally got round to putting on the binding a couple of weeks ago.
The fabrics are Thimbleberries and the pattern I used was one of the free ones from the Fat Quarter Shop.
I thought that finishing this table runner would be good practice for when I tackle the quilt top that is next up for finishing.
I'm cringing a little bit to think that there will be some expert quilters viewing this but I know how kind and supportive you all are :)


JariJari said...

Yay! you did it! Congratulations!!I never even complete any...I have many tops completed but I left it just like that....your table runner is so beautiful!!!!!

Sweet P said...

I've been quilting for over 3 years and I still haven't quilted my own work. So, you're way ahead of me in that department.

Super job! I love your table runner.

Jeanne said...

Your tablerunner is so beautiful! You surely are a quilter! It looks so nice on your table with the flowers.
Great finish!

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful! I only hope my first attempt at a tablerunner looks half as good. I love Thimbleberries' colors.

Nancy said...

Hi Margaret,

Your table runner is beautiful! It looks so pretty on your table with the paper whites. I am not a quilter, but it looks like a perfect job to me and definitely not your first attempt! You must be so proud! Now you can have fun with another type of needlework. Congratulations!

Jennifer said...

You shouldn't detract from your work like that! It's gorgeous - I love the color combination and it looks just lovely. You've done something a lot of people can't do, and you should be proud of that!

Anonymous said...

Margaret it looks wonderful, just super. Congrats on your first finish. Now no more of this talk of cringing.

XXXdomy said...

The only thing I can say it's BRAVO !! Your table runner is very gorgeous and the picture you take with the bunch of flowers makes it more beautiful. I really love it !


Christine said...

"I'm not a quilter"?? I think you need to retract that statement. You are a quilter! Your runner is just beautiful Margaret. Fantastic job on fabric selection. piecing, quilting and your binding is awesome!

Anne Ida said...

Wow!! This is your first ever quilty finish??? It looks so fabulous! Congratulations on work very well done! You are a quilter!

Chookyblue...... said...


Nancy said...

Great Job!! I wouldn't even want to show my first quilted project...lol It was a mess and fell apart before I could even give it away to the new baby.

Sally said...

Wow I love your table runner Margaret! It's beautiful.

Sheila said...

It looks absolutely perfect from here... congratulations!

Christine said...

Great job on your table runner. It looks gorgeous with the vase of flowers. Love the Thimbleberries fabrics.I agree with everything the other Christine said. Congratulations.

Misty said...

Congratulations on your finish! You did a great job and I really like the color choices in combination with the pattern.

It's funny sometimes how long it takes, once you have a quilt top near completion, to get through the last few steps. I always face the quilting and binding portions with a bit of dread. Oddly enough, I think I dislike most making and sewing on the label.

I envy you those flowers on your table. I can't wait to have flowers again! I hope spring comes soon.

Anonymous said...

I came accross your blog through a link and have to say I love reading it.
I have recently started patchwork and quilting, and have made a couple of lap quilts and am at the moment making a table runner and mats for next christmas.
I have to say you are an inspiration, your runner is wonderful you wouldnt know it was your first piece of quilting.

Yuko said...

Hi Margaret,
Your table runner is so beautiful!
I love the colour very much, and I also think that the flowers make it more beautiful!
Congratulations! :D

~Bren~ said...

It is GORGEOUS!!! I LOVE the colors! Now you can get that big quilt done!!

Anonymous said...


Ruth said...

Wow, that's beautiful. Congratulations!!!!!

Sue said...

Your table runner is very pretty. Nice job ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Margaret,

You did great, your tablerunner is beautiful and looks really nice on the table with a vase of flowers. Congrats!

Btw, thanks a lot for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments. I appreciate it. I wanna see more of your works, so I'm going to add you in my blogroll, hope you don't mind.

A great day to you!

Heidi said...

Well dear Margaret, you better start calling yourself a quilter now as you have gotten more than you feet wet. You did a wonderful job on this tablerunner! It looks great with the flowers going so well with it too. Sometimes we convince ourselves something is just too difficult until we really do it. You can quilt and this is a beautiful example of that! Congratulations on a great job!!!

Hugs ~

patchwitch said...

Margaret, I think this is a quilter's piece. I think it is very nice and goes very well with the flowers. It is a very good start! :D
What is the next?

Sherry said...

What a pretty piece! Congratulations on your completion -- I wish I could get a few more done!! LOL

The colors are lovely & your work is also.

Andrea said...

You finish like a quilter! Wonderful table runner, lovley colours. Congratulations on a super finish.

Carolien said...

Your table runner looks lovely!!! Congratulations!

Greetings, Carolien

Anita said...

I just love the colors. You do such a professional work.Well done. I am working on heart and rose theme in Feb.

Sachiko said...

Hi Margaret,

Your table runner is very beautiful!!I love it colors and design!!

Kim said...

This table runner adds a cozy touch to your table, you did great work here! Onward and upward! :)

I'm a Thimbleberries girl. I'm drawn to a variety of fabric designs, but Thimbleberries is my comfy place that says home to me.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I love your tablerunner. You did a great job!! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Nancy said...

I am finally going to be able to comment on your blog. I have tried before and it wouldn't let me. I love your quilt. The design is great and so is the stitching.

Marit Johanne said...

Your table runner is beautiful. I love the colors and the pattern. You have done a great job! I hope I can make something like that.

Anonymous said...

I can NOT believe this is your first quilt! You have done an amazing job. Well done. I'm looking forward to seeing the next one.

MysteryKnitter said...

That is awesome!