I can hardly believe how long it's been since my last post! My family came from UK for the whole of August and the summer has seemed to fly past.
I didn't expect to get anything done at all while they were here but I found I did have a little time in the evenings to pick up my cross stitch and I have actually managed to get two older projects finished.
The first one, Winter Winds by the Prairie Schooler, was started last year

and the other, Beneath the Sunlit Sky by Blackbird Designs, was finished earlier today! It is stitched on 30 ct R & R Sea Fog linen using a mix of hand dyed threads by the Gentle Arts and Crescent Colours.

This piece will be framed but have a look
here to see the wonderful table centre Heidi made from one of her Prairie Schooler stitched pieces. It's the blog entry from August 28th. I'd just love to do something similar with mine.
On to other things here's another dilly bag that I made from the same pattern I used once before only this time I did a Bronwyn Hayes stitchery design instead of using applique. I love this style of bag and have plans for a few more yet. One of the pictures shows the back of the bag and I couldn't decide which picture to use of the two that show the front so you get to see both.

I have another finished bag using the same fabrics but will save that to show next time.
In my last post I showed a scissor keeper and pincushion I had made for an exchange.
Here's the lovely scissor keeper and pincushion I received from Val in exchange.
Val used machine embroidery to embellish the scissor keeper and inside is a small pair of very sharp scissors that are just perfect for cutting out my applique pieces.
The scissors have a little key charm hanging from them and the pincushion has a stickpin again with a charm hanging from it. I just love this little set! What a fun exchange.

I don't know how many times I've entered blog giveaways with only one previous success but August 17th seems to have been my lucky day as I was notified of not one but two blog wins that day.
The first was from
Judy in her drawing for a gorgeous fabric postcard. Have a look at this isn't it beautiful?
I love the 3 D effect of the fields

Judy also included some DMC threads, Thank you so much Judy those are always very welcome here and I will always treasure the lovely postcard.
My next win was on
Marit's blog
where I was the lucky winner of her napkin box and two matching pot holders.
Marit is in Norway and does such lovely work. I feel very lucky to have something made by her. Thank you Marit :)

Finally I just can't resist showing a picture of my first ever Moda layer cake. Oooh how gorgeous is this? It's the Peace on Earth line and so lovely. I doubt I can ever bring myself to untie the ribbon but I love looking at it!
The great thing is I got this layer cake absolutely free for subscribing to the British quilting magazine Popular Patchwork. My friend Christine tells me this layer cake is $45 Canadian dollars. How could I resist such a bargain?

This has been another long post so if you're wtill with me thanks as always for visiting and for the lovely comments you leave. I hope you enjoy the picture show. They should all be clickable for a better view.
Until next time!