I stitched as part of a SAL with a few like minded friends which was a great way to get motivated and actually finish within a set time frame.
I used the recommended R & R Expresso 30 ct linen and Crescent Colours threads.
The finishing fabric is Beach House by Blackbird Designs for Moda.
The linen is quite stiff and was well distressed in that some of the creases seem to be permanent but, hopefully, it all adds to the rustic charm of the piece.
The next thing I have to show you is The Couch Companion which is a design by Leanne Beasley of Leanne's House.
I love all the wonderful things the Australian designers come up with and this was a real pleasure to stitch. The Couch Companion is designed to go over the arm of the sofa to keep all your stitching bits and bobs together while you stitch. I made this for one of my friends here in Spain. I hope she likes it!
Here it is folded
and a few views of it open.
All fabric used on the inside of the case are from the Harvest Home line by Blackbird Designs for Moda
I don't think there can be many cross stitchers that are not familiar with Yuko's blog. Yuko is from Japan and she does the most beautiful stitching and finishing. Not only that but her photography is outstanding.
She recently had a blog drawing to celebrate three years in Blogland and I was lucky enough to win one of her gorgeous pinkeeps.
The pinkeep has a Lily of the Valley design. Yuko says when you give someone Lily of the Valley it brings the recipient happiness. Well it certainly worked for me Yuko as I couldn't be happier :) I will call this my Happiness pinkeep and treasure it always.
Because my pictures are nowhere near as lovely as the ones Yuko took I am borrowing them from her blog. Here is the front

here's the back

and lastly one of my own pictures showing the lovely card and pretty threads Yuko included
I also have a pinkeep of my own making to show. I finished the stitching ages ago and have only now finished it into a pinkeep.
It's the Christmas Spot Sampler by Ewe & Eye & Friends. Yes, I know it's a bit unseasonal especially in the heat of the Spanish summer but if I put it away until Christmas I'd probably forget all about it!
Here's a picture of the back. I used fabric from the Sweet Romance line by Blackbird Designs for Moda. I DID say I love Blackbird Designs didn't I?
I think that's all for now other than a few pictures taken while out and about.
The buttons were on a market stall at a place called Guadamar. I did buy one or two but was so spoilt for choice I could hardly make a decision.
This is part of the fabulous beach at Guadamar
One of my friends lives in one of the apartments overlooking this courtyard and the following picture is the view from her balcony
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today. I hope everyone is enjoying some sunshine no matter where in the world you are.