Add to that my new fascination with Instagram although I'm a bit late to that particular party.
So, the things I have to show are many and varied but are mostly to do with yarn as I have not been stitching much at all.
My lovely friend Pat in the USA stitched a beautiful Shepherd's Bush design and mounted it on the top of a Cottage Garden jewellery box.
Such an exciting package to open
as there was also this gorgeous sewing pocket
which when opened revealed lots of tiny treasures. I absolutely love the petite scissors . Thank you Pat I love everything you sent.
My own cross stitch sampler is coming along very slowly but there has been some small progress
There has been quite a lot of knitting - all project details are on my Ravely page
a shawl
and a cotton dishcloth that will be used as a potholder
Next up is the crochet. I'm working on a Rainbow Ripple baby blanket
and I finally finished my Cath Kidston inspired crochet granny square afghan that has been about three years in the making
and finally a bit of sewing. I made a pouch from Cath Kidston fabrics to match some things I already have
and another pouch from the Noodlehead Open Wide Pouch tutorial
and I think that's just about everything. I'm sorry I haven't been very good about keeping up with my blog reading. I hope to do better when the weather cools down a bit. It has been extremely hot here!
Thank you for visiting my blog today. Happy crafting!
Super sweet post my dear...
Beautiful stitching...they all so sweet...
And pretty knitting...
Beautiful gift you received..
Sweet hugs xx
Hi Margaret~ You are missed but I completely understand the absence due to heat. Our Summer has been unusually cool and I'm thankful. Heat does suck the life force out of me. :o) As always I love your projects, made and received and you take the loveliest of photos. Love the granny square afghan. I'm plodding along with my granny stripe I started in December. I'm nearing the end. Yippee.
What lovely gifts, Margaret! Lucky you!
I wish I could knit and crochet like you! You've created some wonderful pieces!
I find when there's too much heat, my brain sort of melts too! Luckily we are having a few days of rain right now.
The pot holder and granny square afgan are just super!
You may not have been posting to your blog but you sure have been busy! I love your projects, especially the sampler. Such pretty colors and designs! Your knitting and crochet are lovely and I love the zippered bags. Sorry it's so hot, I hope you get a little cooler weather soon.
A very lovely gift you received from your friend! Margaret, everything you have shared is just beautiful and such gorgeous colors!
Love the pot holder...actually I love everything! The Cath Kidston pouch comes near the top too. And as for the fantastic gifts you received from Pat... Wow!
You have been busy, even in this dreadful heat...:)
Hello Margaret,
a lovely post.
A wonderful gift.
All your works are so beautiful.
The Granny Square Afghan is my favourite.
Greetings, Manuela
Such fantastic gifts! Oh what a lovely shawl. Hooray for that afghan. :)
WOW! You may have been absent from blogland but you have certainly been productive! Your knitting is awesome--love the colors of the wools you are using.
And that sampler--looking forward to watching your progress
Your blog posts are always worth waiting for, Margaret. Great progress on your sampler . Your knitting is lovely. I really like the shawl. The afghan is really striking too. The arrangement is lovely.
Pretty pouches with clever coordinating fabrics and lovely gifts from Pat.
You received some lovely gifts, Margaret. Such lovely projects you have been working on too. I love your Kath Kidston inspired rug.
I just love your posts, Margaret--they're always filled with such a great variety of handmade goodness! And what a lovely package of gifts from Pam...
I'd love to be having your heat wave--we have had the coolest "summer" I ever remember--it's really been quite autumn like!
I love all of your knitting and crocheting! You are getting a lot done:) Wonderful gifts you received from your friend. I also like those pouches. Thanks for the link. I think I might try making one.
You've had a lot going on. Love your pouches.
Lovely presents from your friend you must have been thrilled opening them up. Glad your CK blanket is finished it is so pretty just like everything you do. Sorry it has been so hot for you it has cooler down a lot here in the UK much easier to work in. Everything you have shown Margaret is pretty especially the pot holder.
Thank you for sharing.
Love hazel c (uk)
Oh Margaret - I missed your posts so its lovely to see you back. Its good its hot we fly to Majorca in a weeks time. Us cross-stitchers all seem to be dabbling in yarn these days. Your crochet has blown me away its stunning as is the Cath Kidston coloured one - please let me know what colours you used and the sort of Yarn as I would love to crochet one of these. A lovely post thank you for sharing them. Hope you are keeping well my friend xx
Beautiful work as always Margaret. Wonderful gifts from talented friends and that lovely afghan. I also like the shawl, I have just finished one also. You have been busy and it is always a joy to see your different projects.
Wow. Lots of beauties!! I'm going back for another look.
How nice gift!! The box is amazing, and the pocket is so pretty ;)
Lovely progress in your stitching piece.
Beautiful crochet pieces, that crochet blanket is so sweet!!
Cute fabrics for the pouch!!!
Have a nice weekend!! :)
A lovely, inspiring post! I love the crochet blanket!
Did you say that crochet was not your forte? The crotchet work you have there is stunning! I love them . The pouches are great and great fabric choices for them.
You have been busy with so many great projects!!We must be having the same kind of weather. I will be so happy when our traditional NW weather returns!
Oooo Margaret,
Such a collection of lovely things!
I loooove your crochet blanket and the lovely pouch you made, thanks for the tutorial link, I must try this. Wonderful gifts received too.
Dear Margaret,
I also had a long break, sometimes it´s necessary to do other things. But you habe finised such plenty of works, I´m deeply impressed.
It is always such a joy to visit your blog Margaret. You have so many beautiful crafting finishes and things in progress.
What beautiful gifts.
Amazing how each pouch has its own identity. Delightful little pocket from your friend and such delightful knitting and crochet.
Believe me you are forgiven!! WOW WOW WOW!! I adore your CK style afghan, it is simply wonderful :) I am so decided to learn to crochet to make something similar... BEAUTIFUL xx
Beautiful gifts you have received. Such wonderful knitting, crochet and sewing.
Gorgeous finishes, I love the yarn you chose for your Pebble Beach. Nice progress on your sampler.
Your gifts from Pat where lovely
You've been so busy and accomplished so much! Everything is beautiful, both the gifts and the things you have made yourself. My favorite is the granny square afghan, I love the colors and the whole look of it!
Oooh! I looooove your Cathy Kitson inspired granny square blanket! Congrats on the finish! Beautiful knitting and crocheting all around. The stitching pocket with the sweet treasures is lovely. I think a lot of our blogs have been remiss lately due to the heat and summer. I'm sure the fall will bring us back! I've seen you on IG :D It's fun to use and quick too! Hugs!!
So many lovelies! My favorite has to be the Cath Kidston inspired afghan. Beautiful! Such lovely gifts from Pat too -- wow!
Such a great gift that you received from your friend. And wow, so many lovely crafted pieces that you are working on or have already finished. That afghan is wonderful, I'm totally in awe of the colour combo you chose.
I hope the heat has lessened.
You have been busy. And while you have been too hot, we have sat indoors watching unseasonal rain. No needlework though, hence I find your production all the more impressive.
Off for a week to La Antilla, I need some absorb some sunshine before the dreary fall and winter swallow me up.
Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations.
wow thats all I can say. Your stuff is amazing. I have only been crocheting since Christmas
So many lovely finishes. As always ..a pleasure
Love the pink pouch!!! Thanks again
Françoise xx
Hello Margaret, great to see you back. I have been a bit absent too. All your projects look fantastic. I especially love the colors of your pot,holder. Guess what I finally decided on a spinning wheel. I bought a Majacraft Rose. Of course my spinning so far is pitiful. Big smile. Hugs Judy
Cucki: Beautiful post loads of fun things to see.
Beautiful creations as always, the last two photos did give me a chuckle. I was looking at the gorgeous bag and wondered how you'd taken photos on an airplane, also how come there was part of a brick pillar near the window. I had to enlarge the photo and then realised it was your sewing machine! It wasn't an airplane window. My excuse is I'm dosed up on pain meds........and I'm sticking to that explanation LOL.
Enjoy your weather.
Peg xx
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