Well, I certainly didn't mean there to be such a long gap between posts. Where on earth does the time go?
I'd love to tell you that the reason I haven't been around is that I was making lots of lovely things but we've been moving furniture around and now there is a lot of painting and decorating in my future :(
However, there are a few things to show and the first is this bag from a pattern by Bareroots using Moda fabrics Collection for a Cause Alliance.
I loved doing the stitchery on this bag. Here's a close up of the front pocket. You should be able to click on it for a better view if you like.
I enjoy Niky's blog and she recently had a competition to stitch one of her designs which she kindly offered free to anyone taking part in the competition
I stitched mine on 40ct Flax linen using the recommended DMC thead
and I stitched one of the trees again on the back of the pillow adding my initials and date.
I didn't have many stitched Christmas ornaments last year and so the plan for this year is to stitch at least one a month. I joined this blog
to keep me motivated and it seems to have worked as I did manage to produce this ornament for January
The design is All is Calm by Little House Needleworks stitched on 40ct linen using the recommended threads. I swapped the green for something that would match the fabric I used to back the pillow which I think is just perfect for this design.
Still with the cross stitch here is Historic Stitches Acorn Harvest Thread Keeper.
My friend Sheila had already stitched the kit and she gave me her pattern and leftover silk threads so that I could stitch it as well and then we enjoyed a finishing day together.
This is how it looks when open
and here's the back
Another blog I enjoy very much is Lynn's I love the little felt pincushions Lynn makes and wanted to try making one for myself. This is the first time I've ever made anything from felt and I enjoyed working with it.
The gorgeous rose pins were made for me by Lynn when we did an exchange last year.
I have something else to show and think I kept the best til last. This is a journal cover that Sheila made me as a belated birthday gift.
Sheila used Rouenneries fabric by French General for Moda which is my all time favourite fabric line. I love the button on the front which seems very fitting as Sheila's sister purchased in France.
Inside there are several pockets and just look at the fabulous quilters diary she gave me as well!
I can't tell you how much I love this gift. Sheila has not been sewing for very long and she designed the journal cover herself. I'm very impressed :) Thank you Sheila. You couldn't have given me anything I love more.
I think that's it for this post. I have so many things in various stages of construction that I hope to show next time.
As always a big thank you for your visits and your encouraging comments.
Well, for not doing much sewing or stitching, it looks like you've done a lot to me! Beautiful finishes as always! And that journal cover is just wonderful! New to sewing, huh? Could have fooled me! Sheila is talented!
Lovely work once again, Margaret! Sheila did well with the journal cover!!
Caz xx
Happy Belated Birthday Margaret. I always truly enjoy viewing what you have been stitching. Your stitching is perfections at its very best. And your felt PinCushion is gorgeous and in My Very Favorite color to "Pink"!! VBG Your Book Journal Cover is truly lovely. The fabric and colors are fantastic!! What a lovely gift to receive.
Take care from Wintery, cold Michgian. Hugs Judy
Everything looks lovely as always, Margaret. I love the bag in particular, that's a really pretty fabric collection. Happy belated birthday wishes to you.
Wow, Margaret, you have been a busy stitcher. Love the bag and the stitched pocket, you do these bags so nicely. The ornament, felt pin cushion and the Acorn pinkeep are wonderful.
Love what Sheila made for you - how very special.
Have a great weekend.
Ohhhhhh God, I have not words as it always happens with ypur posts. Everything looks so cool and neat, I just love everything, everything, what you've made and the gifts. Congratulations!!!!
Everything is beautiful as always Margaret, sending belated happy birthday wishes your way. I love the little quilt shop on the bag and Sheila's journal cover is fabulous. If you've got any warmth to spare we could do with a little sending over, it's turned very cold again here this last few days.
Glad you liked the journal/diary/agenda cover... I had such fun making it, especially jigsawing the fabrics together for the cover:)
And of course, all your own work is absolutely fabulous!!! As ever :)
Oh what a lovely surprise to see you have posted and such a wonderful display of goodies to admire. Love the bag and the acorn pouch is gorgeous and Sheila's journal cover is beautiful she is a talented lady also like your self Margaret. Such a thoughtful gift from a good friend is always appreciated.
It is very cold here in the UK but the daffodils are being to bud so spring is on the way.
Thank you for sharing
Hugs and Crosses,
Hazel C,(UK)
Lovely to see a blog post from you Margaret, your finishes are beautiful and the journal cover is fantastic, you have a very talented friend
M - I was just thinking about you the other day, how we hadn't seen a post in a while and I hoped you were doing well. I can see why you haven't been posting. More lovely stuff. The gift from Sheila is fantastic!
I was just about to shut down my computer and, as always, I just pop over to have a little look and tonight, I was amply rewarded.
Your stitching is always such a joy to look at. I had spotted your pretty Christmas ornament o the SAL blog and thought then how lovely it was. The little pink 'Pins' cushion is so pretty too. I saw Lynn's tutorial and intended to have a go myself :>)
I can imagine you and Sheila had a great time putting the lovely Acorns needlecase together and Sheila's gift to you is stunning. The fabric and the finishing is wonderful and such a useful gift too.
But, once again, you have excelled yourself with the amazing bag and that incredible stitchery. Your blog is always such a treat.
Oh, hope the painting goes well :>)
Angela xx
I always look forward to your monthly post, you have lots of lovely things to show. I love them all especially the bag.
Sheila's journal cover is also gorgeous, enjoy it!
I always so happy to see a new post from you and they never disappoint. Once again your work is so beautiful and such an inspiration. I love your color choices.
Lovely photos - you have been busy. I love it that we have the same initials! I do agree with you - January came and went in a flash. Hope you are keeping well xx
Beautiful finishes! I love the felt pin pincushion - so cute. The journal cover is amazing. All the projects are inspiring!
What a wonderful post. I loved looking at all the wonderful things you have done.Sheila is very talented. That is a wonderful journal cover and what a cool journal to have.
You are such a crafty and talented lady. It's a treat to see all that you've stitched and sewn!
Margaret, your posts are always a delightful feast of eye candy. Sheila's work is beautiful, too!
Oh, I just love acorns and that thread keeper is perfectly adorable!
Best of luck stitching those Christmas ornaments. This is a wonderful goal! I really like your January offering!
Beautiful finishes as always Margaret and what a gorgeous gift from Sheila.
Hi Margaret, your work is amazing! I was thinking of doing a christmas ornament every month too xx
Love the Bareroots bag Margaret, I don't know how you can bare to part with such a gorgeous thing. Also love the journal cover that Sheila made for you, the fabrics are wonderful.
Hello Margharet,
Your creations look absolutely gorgeous as always, I particularly love the bag, it is just beautiful.
I see you have made my Pins cushion, it looks lovely!
Hi Margaret, your stitching projects are breathtaking, especially the bag.....I love it.
By the way I've been having problems with someone who reads my blog and I've had to change my url address.
Hope you can find me and still visit.
florrie x
Whenever there is a noew post on your blog I expect to see a new bag when I start reading it. Et voilĂ , here it is. Wonderful!
Your ornaments are so beautiful, and so perfectly stitched and finished.
And yes, Sheila's birthday present for you is a very special little treasure. The Rouennerie fabric line is one of the most beautiful that Moda has created. So far I couldn't get hold of these fabrics but I'll continue looking for them. Enjoy your great birthday gift.
I love it when I see a post from you on my reader. I know I'm in for a treat. Gorgeous items again that you have finished Margaret.
What a lovely post! I have just popped over from NH (I'm Craftylucyloo on there) just thought I'd say hi. x
You've been very busy! Beautiful finishes - I especially love the little trees.
You have been busy Margaret, with stitching and your home. Have fun painting and decorating! As usual everything you have shown is just gorgeous - another lovely bag, the acorn piece is wonderful, I love all the different little trees on Niki's piece, and your ornament is so pretty. Isn't that a gorgeous gift from Sheila? Very, very pretty! Thanks for sharing all the lovely things you make!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that little tote bag!!! What a fabulous idea to combine two great talents!! I'll have to consider doing that with one of my MANY completed cross stitches.
Pam in Brussels, Belgium
The stitchery on the bag is exquisite
and the journal cover is to die for.
What beautiful finishes! You're going to need that lovely journal to keep track of your accomplishments!
My goodness, what lovely pieces you have finished! Beautiful finishes....especially love the acorn sewing kit and the journal cover that your friend made is really lovely too.
Hi Margaret, that agendacover is beautiful! Reaaly nice,
love Maaike
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