I know it's been too long since my last post and my excuse this time is that it's been way too hot.
Today it is cloudy and overcast with a bit of a breeze - a welcome break from the punishing heat of the last few weeks.
I seem to have a lot of finishes to share with you but it's something of a mixed bag.
I think the pictures should be clickable for a close up view if you want to see something in more detail.
First up are a couple of Tilda projects.......... I enjoyed making this rabbit very much
Then there is this cat that looks as though it has an extreme case of measles!
Can you imagine how silly I felt furtively taking these stuffed toys out of my bag to take pictures while there were people around! What I have to do in the name of blogging!
Still with the sewing projects I finally got around to making the bag that came as a kit with the Kath Cidston book Sew. Friend Sheila came for the day and we both enjoyed making our bags.
The bag in the book wasn't lined but I can't stand floppy bags so we lined the bags and they are nice and sturdy.
Now for the cross stitch finishes. There are quite a few but I haven't stitched them all since my last post. Some of them have been hanging around a long time just waiting for me to be in the mood to do the finishing on them.
This is Blackbird Designs Bird in Hand stitched on 40c linen by Sassy's Fabrics in Tan Marble using the recommended Weeks Dye Works thread.
On the back I stitched a few random motifs and added some buttons
There can't be many fans of Blackbird Designs that haven't stitched the free design on the Blackbird Designs One Stitch at a Time blog. I finally got around to stitching mine which is stitched on 36ct evenweave with one strand GAST.
Still in the mood for Eiffel Tower designs I stitched this tiny design and finished it as a pillow with some pretty toile fabric that friend Angela sent me one time.
The design is free on a French blog but I can't remember where. Perhaps if someone knows they can add the link to their comment.
I love this fabric!
This is Strawberry Needle Roll by The Sweetheart Tree. I enjoyed stitching this as a SAL with Sandra who doesn't have a blog but has a Picasa album full of gorgeous things. If you don't already know her work then you need to go check it out.
Here's a pinkeep I made using LHN Berries design
I'm sure this backing fabric came from Angela also. It's a perfect match.Thanks Angela :)
Now I want to introduce Dinah
can you believe that I found her dumped beside the trash bins at the side of the road? I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened the rather tatty carrying case and found this little beauty inside. I knew she wouldn't be in working order and sure enough she wasn't but she went in for a service and came back purring like a kitten.
She is such a great little workhorse who will happily sew over denim and the thick bag handles that would have my modern machine throw a temper tantrum and go on strike.
I've since purchased a walking foot and a few other attachments for Dinah and I also stitched her something to show my appreciation for all that she does for me :)
This is another freebie design on this French blog
I took part of the design and stitched it again on the back adding a hanger and a few buttons
and I have to say Dinah loves her new accessory very much!
and is happy to model both front and back views for you
Well, I think that's it for this time but before I go a question...........
I usually post about once a month just showing everything I'd done between one post and another.
This usually leads to a longish post so I've been wondering should I just do a quick post as and when I finish something. I'd be interested to know what you think.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today and for your lovely comments. I try to answer any questions I get in the comments but it's only possible if you are not set to noreply.
Have a great day!
Oooo, where to start??? Your Tilda's are darling as is your CK bag and accessories. Love all your cross stitch pillows...you have such an eye for detail!
And what a treasure Dinah is! She is beautiful and that's wonderful that she is in working order now. I'm sure the two of you will spend many happy hours together :)
As always your finishes are wonderful. I had to laugh when I imagined you taking pictures of your animals. You always get so much done!
I can't believe you found Dinah. How lucky! Some people just don't know what they are throwing away.
I love all your finishes! My goodness! Although it doesn't seem fair that Cath Kidston gets the credit with that label on the bag you made. lol! Now who was dumb enough to throw Dinah out?! Wow! Talk about found treasures! What a great find -- congratulations!
What a sweet bunch of finishes. Well done. Love the bunny and your comment about taking out your little friends to photograph! We appreciate it!
Love Dinah. What a cute story. Years ago a cat started hanging around my house, and I adopted it. I thought it was a pregnant female that someone had dropped of. It was black and I named "her" Dinah. When we went to the vet, I learned that Dinah was actually a male. Wouldn't you think I would have known better.
Have fun with your Dinah. I did with mine!
Good to hear from you Margaret. Lovely finishes, as always. Your Singer was a fabulous find! Glad to see Dinah found her way into a good home.
Dinah is an absolute treasure. She is very even tempered and well behaved...and she has kindly done some sewing for me (with M´s guidance) when my wussy machine refused to show some thick fabric who was boss.
And again, I have been lucky enough to see all these finishes in person . . and they are fabulous!
Hi Margaret
See all your works so wonderfully!
I like your embroidery, just like your tilde rabbit, or the nice bag!
I also just lined pockets ;-)
The old sewing machine is a real treasure, and that you have repaired it, is very good!
I wish you HAPPY Sewing.
In my post from August 6, I show a few of my old machine - unfortunately you can not sew it.
Happy Stitching
Another great post Margaret, well worth waiting for. I love how your Strawberry roll turned out, we'll have to do another soon. I also love the sewing machine pincushion that you've made for Dinah and I've already downloaded the chart to make one for my Dinah, although I don't really have a name for mine. I have that same round tin too, it was a gift from Chrissie. As for your blog posting, I would do whichever is easiest for you.
Gosh Margaret,
What a treat! So many lovely things to see. The Tilda toys are purrfect and will be good company through the winter months ahead. Little kitty can sit on your knee and you can exchange pleasantries with bunny :>)
Your bag is gorgeous and the matching accessories too. Cath Kitson fabrics are so yummy and, talking of fabrics i'm glad you found a good use for the red toile and pretty pink fabric. I love your Eiffel tower pillows, they really are pretty. Nice use of buttons.
Wow, what an amazing stroke of good luck for Dinah to be rescued by you. It's a match made in heaven: you shower her with love and attention and she rewards you with straight seams and neat corners! :
I love that little French Needles cushion.
Margaret, I really love seeing these long exciting posts but would also like to see more posts from you and if you had less to photograph each time and load up then the whole procedure might not take so long. It would be lovely to hear more news of your life there in Paradise and see more pictures of your area :>)
Angela xx
Oooohhhhh ahhhhhhh...... everythiong is so beautiful! You are so very talented. Your little sewing machine ornament is so cute. I would have never thought to add a few buttons on the back like that. And Dinah is gorgeous! What a thing to find on the side of the road!
As for your blog posting... just do whatever is easier for you. I love the saying, "blogging without obligation." ;)
Beautiful sewing as well as stitching. I love the fact that you rescued DInah from the side of the row. She should be loved.
Your posting is always a lovely read/view of all your new projects and what a feast we had this time. I love the tilda pets and your CK bag is nice (my SIL has just finished hers and I saw it last week) I love all the stitching projects and what a find Dinah was and has certainly ended up in a wonderful home and will always be treated with care.
I love reading your blog Margaret but do feel you should do what is easier and best for yourself, the wait is always worth it and in my view your blog is one of the best that I read.
Enjoy the sunshine, Love Hazel (UK)
♥ Olá, amiga!
Passei para uma visitinha... amei!
Está tudo muito lindo, criativo e de bom gosto.
Bom fim de semana!
Tudo de bom!!!♥
I can't believe someone threw that wonderful Singer in the trash and what a great "find" for you. so happy you rescured it. I love all your projects, especailly the rabbit!
What a lovely variety of finishes! I love the BBD cross-stitch and the LHN Berries (I have the chart for that, but I haven't stitched it yet). Your Tilda bunny is really cute too - I made it a while ago, but wasn't very happy with how it turned out, so I must have another go - I seem to remember having trouble with the hat - any clues!!
As for your blog posts. At least you have lots to show between posts. I just have long gaps between posts, with little to show - so I shouldn't worry about it!
Happy stitching:0)
great projects yet again..........always love your posts..........hope the weather stays cooler......
Love the animals, especially that cat...what a cutie! Your finishes are wonderful! Love the pink color of the Eiffel Tower one. As for posting, whatever works for you is the most important.
Hola Margaret! What wonderful, beautiful things you have shared!
I love your Tilda animals, but knowing me you must already know my eye went directly to the cat! Your bag is gorgeous, and your cross stitch finishes are too! I love how you did the back on the Blackbird Designs piece.
What a great find Dinah is, and how lucky are you! I'm sure she is well loved now.
As for a long post versus a short post - I just love seeing and reading about your beautiful finishes! I would do what is easiest and most enjoyable for you.
P.S. I want to see your Sew Nautical!
I love your blog!! You make some beautiful things. I love your Tilda animals... of course I love bunnies but I know someone who would love the kitty. I have this very same book and it's interesting to see the kitty in a different colour.
Your bags and stitchery sets are gorgeous!
What a lucky find of the sewing machine Dinah! She looks immaculate!
I hope the weather in Spain cools down before I get there next month... visiting my mum. I'm not really a 'hot weather' person..
Margaret such a beautiful array of finished projects - I love reading your blog and find myself thinking "it's the beginning of the month so Margaret will post soon!!" Selfishly I would love to see your photos and stories more often, but really it is entirely up to you and what suits you best! I sometimes get frustrated waiting for photos to download etc etc but really enjoy making this "journal" of my projects and life! I love your finishes, love your beautiful Dinah and will enjoy reading your blog whenever you wish to post!! Thanking you!
Oooo, Dinah is a beauty...you lucky stitcher!
I wondered what had happened to your find. She looks in great shape. You have out done yourself once again. Blogging....we love to hear from you so don't be to hard on yourself. Do it at your convenience. Hugs.
Margaret I love your posts and getting to see your amazing work. I can understand why Sheila leaves a trail of drool when she visits you. You always have such a variety of projects to show us. It doesn't matter when you blog as long as you keep doing it.
Oooo another set of lovelies by your creative hands, they are all beautiful.
I would love to see you post every single day! lol
Your Tilda projects are wonderful and so is your bag! The BBD ornament is beautiful but the queen of this post is definitely Dinah! She is just stunning! Lucky you finding her and bringing her home!
I knew it when read the title of this post - I knew that I would be very pleased with what eypected me. And as always reading and looking at this post was such a treat.
These Tildas are so sweet. And seeing your finished bag finally convinced to buy that book that has been on my wishlist for so long.
Your BBD stitching is wonderful, and so are the little freebies that you stitched and finished.
Dinah is a treasure! Can't understand that someone just wants to throw her away. Giving it away would have been OK but throwing out? But in this case it was your luck, wasn't it?
What a lovely post. All your finishes are gorgeous.
What wonderful finishes! Like you, I love the toile fabric on the pillow. And that little roly poly fat cat is too cute!
As always, I love everything but the bunny in particular and Dinah is gorgeous, thank goodness you rescued her from the roadside. Have you started on My Garden yet? Hope all your bits have arrived. I'm stitching with Lynette on Mon/Tues next week so I'm quite giddy with excitement at the moment.
Love the rabbit, so cute.
CK bag is beautiful, so much nicer to stitch them yourself, and very professional too!!
Love your BBD ornaments, and the toile ornament is gorgeous too-)
Amazing what people throw away, and so glad you made "Dinah" work again, your work is fantastic.
Great post Margaret and I just love Dinah. What a stroke of luck that she found you and not only that- she ended up with her own little gift in appreciation. Love all your stitching.
I cannot believe you found a walking foot for Dinah ! She is a beauty indeed. I think I need to come and pay you a visit and you shrare your magical talents with me.
All your finishes are great, as always, and the bags are to die for, I must go and look at tickets... Knock knock, here I am on your doorstep...
These are all so lovely Margaret, and I'm very envious of your gorgeous Tilda rabbit and Cath Kidston bag. I have both to do myself, but not being very experienced with the sewing machine I'm afraid to make a start on them in case I mess them up! I really should be brave and just get on with it!
How lucky was Dinah that you came along - what a great find! :o)
They're are all lovely Margaret, congratulations. I have the Cath Kidson bag kit and you're inspiring me to get it stitched (like I have the time at the moment...)
Dinah is a great find!
Your work is always beautiful and I look forward to seeing it. While I like long posts, I'd love to see you more often - I check every week. You keep many of us inspired.
Congratulations on Dinah - I have 2 of her relatives that were my Mom's and I love them. They are definitely work horses!
I love your post! All of your finishes are really great, I like how you add buttons to them, so cute! Great job finding the sewing machine, I bet it sews so well :)
Found your blog from Lynn's. Your work is incredible. What beautiful things you create and your embroidery is perfect.
And Dinah - what a wonderful find.
Margaret it is always such a pleasure to come to your blog. Everything is just wonderful; you are such a talented lady.
Dinah is a beauty. I can't believe that she was just dumped!
Gorgeous finishing gain. Ithink Dinah has found a very loving home, obviously she wasn't well treated at her last home.
Your posts are always worth waiting for wether they are every month or every day. Blog when you can. The only reason I blog when I finish things is that I would never remember to do it on a monthly basis. Blog while it's fresh in my memory!
Dinah is a beauty! And your makes are amazing!
Oh my goodness! What a fabulous find. Dinah sure is fantastic!
Your stitching and fabric finishes are just as amazing. You do such beautiful work. I had to laugh at the image of you pulling out your Tilda's treasures from your bag and taking photos of them. I remember walking around with BBD stockings in my pockets and then whipping them out for photos when I found a good spot. LOL What one will do for a blog worthy photo!!
As for the blogging thing, I echo Angela's comment--love the long posts from you but more are always welcome. I say do whatever you feel most comfortable with. I know I was admonished (by a non-blogger) that I should post at least twice a week on my blog. If I do twice a month, I'm lucky. I think it's the nature of stitching that it takes a bit longer for there to be something worthy of a photo shoot!
Your finishes are inspiring.
Your work is wonderful. Wish I could do needlework like that. I am a quilter but also make bags, clothing and stuffed cuties.
As far as blogging it is best to do what you are comfy with so you will keep blogging. Count me as a new follower and I'll share your blog with my sis cuz she stitches.
Wow you have been so productive! The bag is adorable and all of your stitching finishes are wonderful.
I don't always have the time to read a long post and tend to skim and miss important details. I like the quick little posts.
Just discovered your blog - what a beauty it is!! I think it's wonderful that you took your little sewn goodies out of the bag and photographed them around the park, among nature. :-) I know that furtive feeling, but we here in Blogland appreciate you risking the stares of others!
Thank you for the link to my own blog. I look forward to reading yours - your sewing and cross-stitch are so lovely!!
so lovely finishes!!!!like always!!
Beautifull Singer!!
happy stitching
I love your blog posts no matter how often you post them. I love seeing what you have been accomplishing and I especially loved hearing about Dinah. Whatever you decide, please just keep posting!
Hi Margaret - I'm English too and now living in France. I've just started a blog so there's still a lot of uncharted territory for me. I too acquired a Singer sewing machine, but mine had been deposited at a tip in England and was exactly the same as the one I already own - I couldn't bear to think of it being scrapped so thought I would adopt it - it is not as beautiful as Dinah but just as loved!! Your work is beautiful, especially the Tilda stuff which I love and have just started experimenting with - I have made the Kind Witch already and am just starting the Farandole
Hola Margarets!!!!
te escribo en español ya que de inglés muy poco....vengo de este blog
http://happinessiscrossstitching.blogspot.com/...que me lo ha enviado una amiga.....me encantan las cosas que realizas....son bellisimas....muy delicadas...FELICITACIONES!!!...yo nunca he realizado un pinkeep y los que he visto en tu blog son una maravilla...me gustaria que visitases mi blog....un gran abrazo....
...perdona utilizo un traductor.....
Y en relación a lo que preguntas?.....lo que yo siento es que tu realises las entradas como te sientas mas comoda.....me encanto conocer tu blog....Gracias...
Margarets Hello!!
I write in Spanish and very little English that I come from this blog ....
http://happinessiscrossstitching.blogspot.com/...que sent me a friend ..... I love the things you do .... are beautiful .... very delicate ... CONGRATULATIONS! ... I've never done a pinkeep and I've seen in your blog are wonderful ... I'd like to visit my blog .... a big hug ....
sorry I use a translator...
And questions regarding what ?..... what I feel is that your entries as realistic feel more comfortable ..... I love to hear your blog .... Thanks ...
Dina is beartiful and also a Centennial machine! All of your stitching is beautiful and I am sure Dinah loves to help finish them.
She looks just like my little Featherweight that my sister found in the trash and was using as a door stop. I coaxed it from her and my husband fixed it up with parts from the internet shops. I had one when I was young and made all my clothes, gifts, and such when I was away at school and after I was married. Always regretted trading it in on a newer Singer.
Dina is beartiful and also a Centennial machine! All of your stitching is beautiful and I am sure Dinah loves to help finish them.
She looks just like my little Featherweight that my sister found in the trash and was using as a door stop. I coaxed it from her and my husband fixed it up with parts from the internet shops. I had one when I was young and made all my clothes, gifts, and such when I was away at school and after I was married. Always regretted trading it in on a newer Singer.
Wow - I love everything and congratulations on finding a treasure alongside the road! You sure have been busy with lots of beautiful finishes. Who wouldn't love a pink Eiffel Tower?!
Such beautiful projects you've shown. The Tilda rabbit is gorgeous. I was given one but never knew where the pattern was from. Could you tell me which book it's in please. The cat is cute too. Love the Cath Kidson goodies. Might have to get that book now myself. :) Jeanette
What absolute eye candy! I don't even know where to start! I just love your Tilda doll and your bag, and all the other wonderful things that you have stitched. And what a find with Dinah. I'm glad that she is all fixed and humming away.
Love all your work! I have also made the Tilda cat...mine has blue measles!lol!
Lisa ʚϊɞ
Everything is lovely.
Since I was born in Paris, I have a special relationship with the Eiffel tower !!!!
Waiting for a new post !!
Hi. Your work is as beautiful as ever. Love the Tilda bunny and all your divine cross-stitch. I find it easier and more satisfying to post regularly ... seem to get more stitching done so I've got something to share.
I absolutely adore the "Ye old chocolate shoppe" cross-stitch on the bag in the previous post. Magnificent!
Happy stitching,
Susan in Texas
PS You make me want to get working on my English Garden Sampler again; and that has been a lost cause for MONTHS now. 8) Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi from Australia, Margaret. I always enjoy reading your blog; I'm not much of a cross-stitcher (more of a cross-eyed stitcher!) and I do admire your beautiful work. I hope the weather is soon cool enough for you; I was in Portugal on holiday in July and it was pretty hot then; a real shock to come back to winter in Australia.
Wow! Awesome picture collection! Dinah looks awesome! I hope you and Dinah have long, pleasant sewing hours ahead.
You've stitched so awesome things! The thing you made for Dinah...it's great! I love it. Keep up the great stitching!
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