Those of you who read Andrea's blog will be familiar with her beautiful cross stitch. Recently Andrea had a very generous giveaway for not one but eleven cross stitched Christmas ornaments and I was lucky enough to win one of them.
I think you'll agree that this ornament is just beautiful! It's so dainty being stitched mainly over one and has a beautiful beaded edge trim. I love it and will take great pleasure in bringing it out each year. Thank you Andrea!
I made another Couch Companion from Leanne Beasley's pattern. This is the front
The back
and here it is open
The next thing I'm going to share with you was one of my most favourite ever projects to work on. It is called the Gentle Arts Sewing Pail and the pattern appeared in an old issue of the Australian magazine Patchwork and Stitching Vol5 no 1
Three friends from my quilt group wanted to make it along with me and although one had never done any kind of embroidery before everyone did a fantastic job. I wish I could show pictures of all of them together but for now here's mine.......
We all had great fun adding our buttons, charms and silk ribbon in addition to the embroidery stitches that were new to us
Plenty of room inside - I think I may keep my most special fabric fat quarters in this
and one last picture just to show all round the sides
I think all of the pictures should be clickable if you want to get a closer look.
Another fun thing I made at my quilt group is this
It's a pattern from the British Patchwork and Quilting magazine and is actually supposed to be a bread basket but who wants a bread basket when it would make such a perfect sewing basket?
Plenty of pockets for threads, thimble, scissors or whatever and I made a pincushion from the Fig Tree Quilts Petite Gateaux pattern which sits perfectly in the middle.
Another pincushion attempt which came from a tutorial on Olga's blog see her post for 3rd November to see a beautiful cross stitched version. Mine is rather clumsy and as it was a first attempt I didn't use my best fabrics. I'd like to try a smaller one next time
The last few things I have to share are cross stitch. I can't remember how many years ago I stitched this Bent Creek design of the Black Cat but I finally got round to turning it into a pinkeep
Some fun fabric on the back
I stitched Mary Little by the Goode Huswife on 40ct Flax linen and love how this tiny little pincushion turned out
I took the little motif from the front and stitched it again and added a few buttons for a bit of interest
Finally my first (and probably my last) attempt at a floss tag. I think I need a bit more practice on these :)
I already have more things finished and photographed but will save those for next time. As always thank you for visiting my blog and for your nice comments.
I visited Margaret yesterday and I can tell you that I swoon every time I go through her front door -there are always many more gorgeous things to see since the last visit. Although the photos here are great, in real life, they are scrumptious, especially that Pail. Unfortunately it was too big to try and hide under my t-shirt!
I guess you have been busy Margaret, everything is beautiful as always. After Christmas I will be able to post what I have been working on (can't show you now, because someone will be watching lol.
So much gorgeousness, as always!!! Your stitching and finishing is always so beautifully done. Your blog is such an inspiration!!!
Margaret, hi,
I'm going in reverse order and am going to start with your floss tag first because I think it's absolutely adorable. You underestimate your skills so much - I'm coming over to shake you (in a huggy kind of way, of course) Please don't make it your last as it's one of the nicest I've seen. I love the designs and the pretty finishing with the star eyelet and blue ring are perfect.
Your pail really is stunning. I can imagine the hours of work but it really is worth it. What a wonderful way to showcase your fav fabrics. I love the little pumpkin and cat pinkeep too and, as always you've found a perfect matching fabric.
Well done for winning one of Andrea's beautiful Christmas ornaments. She too is a fab stitcher and this ornament is beautiful so simple yet eyecatching.
Waiting for a new post from you, Margaret, is like expecting a very special present. When it arrives, it never fails to delight and is full of amazing goodies!
Hallo Margaret, your blog and your works are fantastic!!!
WOW Margaret, you sure have been busy!! I wish I had gotten so many things done ...LOL
I LOVE your pail!! Can you please tell me which issue of AP&S you got it from?? I gotta make ( right after I finish all my Christmas stuff ! LOL
I forgot to ask...Where did you get those scissors!! I gotta have them !!! LOL
Hello Margaret,
WOW it is always a delight to see all your stitching creations. You received a very lovely gift. I really reallly LOE your Gentle Arts Sewing Pail. LOVE it. Please can you email me the Australian Mag this was in. I have heaps of their old magazines. I also especially like your snowflake Tag. Lovely.
Well you HAVE been busy! Gorgeous projects, especially the pail. That is really special!
I think your floss tag is perfect!
Gorgeous work again and again
So so lovely!!!
So perfect!!!
Congratulations my dear friend
Hi, What a wonderful treat to see all your exquisite stitching after the dimsal day we have had here in the UK. Your pail is to die for and I can understand Sheila wanting to take it home it really is a work of art along with all your other projects. Your floss tag is great and I hope when I get around to doing one mine turns out so good.
Lovely to read your post Margaret and hope all is well, are you coming to the UK for Christmas this year.
Love Hazel
OMG...your finishes are wonderful. Love the little pail you made. That is too cute and looks wonderful!
the entire post is better than a stitching magazine
love it all
as per usual lots of wonderful projects completed here..............beautiful the lot.......
Wow. I think that sums it up. Just plain old 'wow.' Eerything you've posted is absolutely beautiful. I can certainly see how that pail is one of your favorite finishes because it's absolutely yummy.
Congrats all 'round.
Sheila you are one very very lucky lady. I wish I could visit Margaret and get loads of inspiration. Plus I wish I could bring Angela with me because I'm sure she would love to come too.
Ok in the meantime I can just drool. I love the pail a lot and I will have to make a couch companion because I really really need one besides wanting one.
Your ornament from Andrea is just perfect as only you deserve.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
I love the little ornament you won. And all your stitching and finishing -- wow! It's all wonderful! Thanks for sharing everything with us!
Wow! Everything looks fantastic. I love it all. Love the pail. I'm in the middle of a simple apron pattern and can't figure out step 6 and here you are figuring out sewing baskets et all. Congrats on all your beautiful new things.
What a lovely collection of work.
The Spanish air must be very condusive to quiet gentle sewing arts.
These are very lovely.
Your blog posts are worth the wait as you always have so much to show. I love that Couch Companion and of course all your finishes.
Hola Margaret! My goodness what a beautiful post. I don't even know where to begin so I will say that everything is just stunning! Your workmanship gets better and better. The pail project is wonderful! You have been so busy. Congratulations on winning such a beautiful ornament!
Everything is so beautiful but the pail and the 'sewing basket' is just gorgeous.
You always do such perfect stitching Margaret, whether it is cross stitch, free style or machine and this post is certainly a treat for the eyes, with all the wonderful finishes. Look forward to seeing the rest of your finishes soon. PS. the word verification for this post is 'chins' - very apt for me I think!!
You may have been a bit quiet on the blogging front, but not on the stitching front - you've been a very busy lady - I particularly like your cross-stitchs!:0)
Oooh--each piece is perfection, Margaret! Your talent is so inspiring...Thanks for sharing your lovely finishes with us :)
Beautiful work, as always, Margaret. I especially love the Couch Companion.
So much beauty:) I love the christmas ornament:)
Gorgeous finishes Margaret. You never fail to disappoint. Love your sewing finishes. Beautiful stitched finishes too. You certainly have an eye for fabric, the pinkeep finish backing fabric couldn't of been better.
beautiful work as always Margaret - just can't decide which I like the best!
I love your Show and Tell! It's always full of wonderful projects!
All of your pieces are works of art!! Thanks for your kind words on my blog also!~ Have a great day!~ Faye
Dear Margaret,
Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog! Very much appreciated!
I am speechless when seeing what you made. You really are an artist and I feel so boring in saying again that it is so beautiful, all of it! But it simply is like that. BEAUTIFUL! Even that lovely flower isn't clumsy at all. It's charming!!!
All the best & hugs,
OMGosh MArgaret! This post is beautiful. I love everything. I would have tried to sneak out of your home with that pail under my t-shirt. It is lovely. No wonder you have been quiet in blogland.
Wonderful things made... you are amazing!!!
Always nice to visit you!!
Oh my goodness Margaret! What absolutely wonderful things you've made! I just love your sewing pail. I've made a couple of their designs before, but haven't seen this one. I just love how it came out! And your Mary Little pillow too. I just put a couple stitches into that last night. I love how you added the buttons and the small design on the back!
Your finishes are wonderful. You are so accomplished. Absolutely love the pail. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog and yes, my header is my design.
Love your finishing and especially love the quilted sewing basket.
Wow! You really have been busy! I just love it all!
Before you show your next post I'll comment on this one, lol.
Margaret, you are such a creative and skillful artist. Your sewing case and the pail are terrific and so perfectly finished. And so is the Couch Companion.
And it's nice to see that you are still doing some cross stitch. Such a nice new pinkeep. I can't see anything wrong on your first floss tag - it's so beautiful. And so it Mary Little, the pin cushion. So creatively finished. I love The Goode Huswife very much, they have such wonderful designs.
I envy Sheila as she saw all htese beauties in real life. I'm already looking forward to your next post.
Firstly, Margaret as ever absolutely wonderful, beautiful stitching. You are such a talented modest lady. It's always a pleasure to see what you have made.
Sheila don't be put off, next time wear a larger skirt and stick it just inside the waist band at the back and tell her you're bringing the 'bustle' fashion back LOL. A big hug to both of you I miss you both very much.
Peg xx
As always when I come to visit you show the most stunning works. The Sewing Pail is gorgeous and I can well understand why Sheila would want to take it home with her!
I love all that you have made! Absoloutely gorgeous! I Love all the fabrics you have chosen and the colours are gorgeous too :) YOu have been very productive. hugs Vicki
Fabulous post everything you do.
Many Blessings for the Holiday Season.
Hugs; Judith
gorgeous stuff as just keeps coming and coming...well done Margaret..hugs Khris
All of your things are beautiful but I am IN LOVE with your bag/bucket. WOW, that is absolutely beautiful!
Your pin keeps are divine... love all the stuff you make...
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