Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Show and tell

I have quite a few pictures to share this time.
Starting with the pincushion I made for my partner in Linda's pincushion swap

I took a little stitchery design from Bronwyn Hayes Flowerbed Quilt book and tried to match it with some fabric from my stash. I haven't received my pincushion yet but I do know it's on the way so I'll be showing that next time.
You can see pics of all the fabulous pincushions that were given and received on Linda's blog.
Incidentally, Linda is planning her next swap so stay tuned to her blog as numbers will probably be limited to fifty and you don't want to miss out!

In my last post I showed you what I made for the Good Ole Summertime swap with members of a Yahoo group. Well this time I want you to see the gorgeous mini quilt I received from Heidi

Yes, it's a slice of watermelon! What a clever idea and this quilt is so beautifully done. I just wish you could see it up close and personal because it has little black buttons sprinkled over the luscious red print fabrics and Heidi has sewn the binding on in such a way that I can't even see the stitches!
Also included in the package was a cut of gorgeous navy print fabric and two DMC threads in colours that say Summertime to Heidi. She sent green for growth of the season and purple for the lavender in her garden.
Oh, and here's a picture of the reverse with the quilt label.

Other things I've made recently were this scissor case and pincushion for an exchange. I used Cinderberry Stitches Stitched Trilogy design for the scissor case and made a matching pincushion by using some of the same stitchery on a four patch block.

I'm sure the cross stitchers that read my blog are wondering where the cross stitch is so here's something I made as a thank you for Donna

The design is JBW French Country Rooster and I just added the personalization at the bottom.
I made another four patch pincushion using part of a cross stitch design by French designer Marjorie Massey of Passe Compose.
I also made a matching needlecase using a wonderful tutorial that you can find here

I hasten to add that these pictures were taken by Donna and I'm using them here with her permission. She takes wonderful photographs and these pictures are way better than anything I could have done.
Check out Donna's blog for more fabulous pictures of life on a sheep farm in Australia and all her gorgeous quilts and stitcheries as well.

Finally, for the friends that like to see the pictures we take when we are out and about a couple of pictures of Guadalest way up in the mountains and two of Albir which is about three quarters of an hour away by car.
The beach there is just pebbles but everyone was enjoying it just the same.

Until next time thanks for visiting and for all your lovely comments. I love to hear from you :)


Sheila said...

What truly beautiful stitching and finishing you do - - my keyboard gets a bit damp with the drool! All those recipients are very lucky indeed. I am so looking forward to visiting you soon :)

Anonymous said...

Love the fun quilt that Heidi made for you, how clever. Now that Cinderberry scissor case is adorable, lucky person who gets to receive it. Never tire of your photo's of where you live.....

Nancy said...

Oh Margaret! What a gorgeous entry! Everything you have made is so beautiful, but then everything you make always is. Your stitching and finishing always looks so well done and just filled with TLC. I really don't know which is my favorite they are all so pretty!

I wish I could make myself magically appear on the beach. What an amazing place that is!

Thanks for the heads up on Linda's next exchange. I will visit her blog to hear all about it.

Sue said...

Beautiful things that you stitched and received. I love the pinkeep in the first photo of your post ;)

AndreaLea said...

I love the rooster set you did. So lovely.

Pat said...

Margaret you have gone and done it again! Everything that you did is lovely. Great gifts that you received too. Love your pictures. Spain is a beautiful place to live.

Clare said...

Margaret - you certainly have been busy! What a delightful post, your stitching is wonderful.

Chookyblue...... said...

lots of beautiful things here........and I just love the presents you made for me.........they are so special.......and I do like to see around where blogland friends live..........thanks

Anonymous said...

Wow, lotsa of lovely stuff. Lucky are those who received your finishings. Excellent job Margaret!

Sandra said...

Oh Margaret, what gorgeous things you have made and received. I recognised the slive of watermelon straight away, what a great idea. The pincushion and scissor case are adorable, you are so clever and neat.

Yuko said...

Ohhhhhhh... I'm speechless, Margaret!
Actually everytime when I came here I'm speechless!
What gorgeous and wonderful works they are!
Your pincushion is so lovely, your works are always perfect and so beautiful!
I just want to sit down beside you and would like to see how you work on them! lol
You are amazing!!

Dorothy said...

Margaret, you do such beautiful work! I especially like the daisy pincushion.

Nancy said...

I love the sissors case best but all of the things are beautiful. Your needle case also is great. I am happy to see this great post. You live in a pretty area and it is always nice to see the pictures.
Nancy V

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching and finishing. I never tire of seeing your finishes.

Misty said...

All of the gifts you gave and received are beautiful, as always! I really love your rooster, by the way, and the cute coordinating pincushion and needle case.

Incidentally, I discovered a while ago that Judy Beck Whitman (JBW Designs) lives in the area of Michigan that I am also from. Maybe she'll autograph one of my charts from her collection if I run into her somewhere? :)

It's great to see what you've been up to!

~Bren~ said...

All your work is simply gorgeous!! I love the items you made for Donna and your pincushions/needle cases are beautiful.
The watermelon quilt is too cute!!!!

Heidi said...

Lots of great items made for exchanges. You are a wonder Margaret! I loved making you the watermelon quilt and it just said your name the entire time I was working on it. I knew you would be very surprised that I had your name. :) I drew names and it happened that we got each other's name. I am looking forward to the next swap.

Hugs ~

staci said...

So many gorgeous photos...where to start??? The daisy pincushion is just too sweet, what a lucky recipient! And how clever is that watermelon quilt??? Love all of your other stitchery too, your work is gorgeous and has me drooling!

Elisa said...

Wow some gorgeous stitching and finishes there...and a beautful watermelon peice, you can almost taste it...

Karen said...

Thanks for sharing all of your fun projects. Alwaya a visual treat;) The watermelon quilt is cute as can be...looks good enough to eat...yummmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

That watermelon quilt is adorable!!!!
What a cute idea!!! I have to remember sweet!!!
Karin :)
in NY

Khris said...

As usual Margaret you do such beautful work. Love seeing your lovely blue needlecase from my it all...hugs Khris

Yuko said...

Hi Margaret,

It's me Yuko again!
I tell you that I have nominated you for Kreativ Blogger!
Please check my blog sometime later!

Happy stitching!


Cath Ăś said...

Marg... I love all the things you have put up.. The scissor keeps and pincushions are gorgeous... well done.... you will have to pop on some of the Raggedy Club when you get something stitched...
Cath Ăś

Andrea said...

Maragret, another Kreativ Award from me too. :)

Tanya Marie said...

As always, your pictures are wonderful and tell so many stories. That watermelon quilt is absolutely the coolest thing I've ever seen. Awesome! You can take a bit right out of it. LOL That was so clever of Heidi. She is something else.

Hope your weekend has been a good one,

Dani - tkdchick said...

What gorgeous projects all around!

The little book of Nessie said...

Margaret, I just love all your needlework. The scissors next to the daisy pincushion are sweet with the hearts. Your selection of fabric and colours are gorgeous. Seeing the needle keeper reminds me to make one myself! Nessie

The little book of Nessie said...

I loved seeing the photos of Spain. It looks like a beautiful country. Nessie

DovilÄ— said...

Margaret, please take a moment and have a look at my blog, there is a surprise for you:)
I like your works very much, have a good day.

Cenoura said...

Your bags are really great, but I like everything you do! So perfect and the colours in harmony...
That's a funny idea, the watermelon! lol

Françoise said...

So so beautifull work like always!!
Wonderfull pictures Thanks for sharing them with us

patchwitch said...

It is always very good to jump in here :D I like your work and blog so much, please jump in here, there is a small surprise for you :D

Anonymous said...

Wow!Your works are very beautiful and gorgeous!!

MysteryKnitter said...

Gorgeous pictures! That's all I can say. Concerns the images of stitched and quilted things and the scenery things.