Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In the Pink

Just a short post today....I started taking pictures but the camera batteries were exhausted before I was halfway done so I'll save the other things I had to show for another time.
This is just a little set I've made using some pretty pink toile fabric that I fell in love with.
The drawstring bag pattern is by Gail Pan. I found a bead necklace on the market for just one Euro and pulled it apart to get the beads for the ribbon drawstring.
I also made a little scissor fob and a matching four patch pincushion. I just stitched a couple of the flowers from the embroidery design on the bag and I think it turned out nice. You can click on the pictures for a better view.

This pincushion is from Cinderberry Stitches pattern Stitched Trilogy

it was a bit hard to get the shape just so with this style of pincushion and I think I'd have preferred it if it had been a bit smaller but it was an enjoyable project to work on.

Sorry this is so short. I have lots of stuff in the works so will hopefully make up for it next time.

Finally, Pat is having a belated birthday giveaway draw.
Just pop over to Pat's blog and leave your comment for a chance to win. I have no idea what the prize is but, knowing Pat, it will be something very nice!


Jennifer said...

Oh how lovely! It bet it will make stitching even more enjoyable being surrounded by such pretty things. Great work!

Heidi said...

Wow! What a pretty bag and accessories. It all turned out so pretty. Love all that cheerful pink. Great job!

It was nice to see a blog entry from you my friend. Hope all the work around your house is getting done so you can get back to doing the things you love to do once again.

Hugs ~

Nancy said...

That pincushion is beautiful. The bag and fob are also. Love the fabric and your stitching is just perfect.
Nancy V

Nancy said...

As always Margaret, everything is so beautiful! Your work is always perfection and so, so pretty! I for one love the pincushion with all the embroidered flowers. I can see how you fell in love with the pink toile fabric. I can't wait to see what else you have been stitching!

~Bren~ said... always. Your work is beautiful. I LOVE the pink fabric too!

Anonymous said...

Oh sooo pretty Margaret, that pink fabric is just gorgeous.

Sandra said...

Your new finishes are all lovely but I particularly like the round pincushion which is even more amazing close up.

hazel c UK said...

Your bag,pincushion and biscourni are so very pretty Margaret those little flowers are so cute. I love the material you chose for your bag. Hope you are feeling well. With thoughts, Hazel

Sue said...

Such a beautiful set. You did a wonderful job ;)

Chookyblue...... said...

beautiful projects here........great stitching .........

Char said...

Pink must be in this year so far..I love that bag!! It is my favorite color and what a beautiful set. You can do soo much with toile.......


Beatulful stitching and lovely woork:-)
Have a creative week, from Norway :-))

XXXdomy said...

This set is absolutly lovely. Pink isn't my favourite color but I think it will be :-))
Have a nice day

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wow, just lovely....

Khris said...

Ohh wow these are just gorgeous. You do such pretty it.
Hugs Khris in Oz

Yuko said...

Ohhh Margaret!
I'm speachless, as always!
First of all, I love these colours very much as I love soft PINK!
The Pink toile fabric is very beautiful!
And the pincushion you've made is just gorgeous with very cute shape!
They all are perfect!!!

Vickie said...

oh my I will admit I'm not one for pretty thins so to speak -but that is bloomin beautiful-what lovely work,
cheers Vickie

Sally said...

Oh wow, Margaret, what gorgeous pieces:)

Roberta said...

Margaret what a great project. Love all of it. tha bag is just darling and I love the pink. It seems that "pink" is becoming the new color (could it be Francoise influence?)


Brigitte said...

A wonderful project, Margaret, and so perfectly finished. Your work is really outstanding.

And then I second Roberta concerning the pink colour. Certain group members' colour preferences seem to have a certain influence on all of us, lol. But seriously, your colour choice is absolutely perfect for this project.

angelasweby said...

Your lovely stitching goes from strength to strength. The stitching bag and accessories are just breathtakingly beautiful and the pink toile...well, I'm speechless :>)
Warm hugs, Angela

Anonymous said...

Wow!! what lovely finishes. You are so talented. All your works are very impressive!

Anita said...

They are just beautiful! You do such lovely stitching!

Karmela said...

Margaret, thanks for your commentary, ¡¡Beautilful stitching and lovely woork:
Have a nice day

Clare said...

Your bag and accessories are lovely. Did you buy the fabric specifically for the project Margaret? I never manage to stuff my pincushions so they look so plump. Is there a tip you could pass on? Great to see you posting.

Syersken said...

What a wonderfull work you have been doing. Have a nice weekend.

Jeanne said...

Everything is so beautiful and dainty. You do such wonderful stitching. Thank you for sharing.

Sheila said...

Just catching up - what a lovely bag and accessories... fab colours and so so pretty :) You have been busy :)

Pat said...

Margaret, Your stitching is beautiful and your choice of fabrics.. GORGEOUS! I love everything, I'll take two of each!!

staci said...

Your stitching set is stunning!!! Gorgeous finishing and colors!

Karen said...

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I love your pink fabric and your stitching is suberb!

Anonymous said...

These are lovely, Margaret! I just love that pink. You do such beautiful work. I hope those camera batteries get recharged soon as I can't wait to see what else you've been up to!

Beertje Zonn said...

Wow! What a pretty bag and accessories!
Kind regards,

Sonnja & Beertje Zonn
from the Netherlands

SusanPatch said...

Your stitchery work is fantastic and all fabrics you have chosen are whimsical...Wow, I love all Cinderberry designs...
Regards from Malaga, Costa del Sol

Sachiko said...

Hi Margaret,

They are just beautiful!
Perfect your work!!


Françoise said...

ooo it's merveillous!!!!
so so pretty
lovely like always

Misty said...

I really love the embroidery on all the pieces. You do such a nice job! I think my favorite is the round pincushion and I love that little button in the center.

Elaine said...

How pretty! I really like the pink Dilly Bag as well.

Sweet P said...

Beautiful projects! I love pink projects.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I just stumbled across your lovely blog! I love all your work. I am a needleworker myself who dabbles more in quilting.

Do you mind me adding your blog to my blogroll?

Laura said...

sono bellissimi


Sharon said...

How beautiful your work is. Your blog is so enjoyable. Love all the things you make.

Christine said...

Lovely. Very pretty and pink. Always enjoy seeing your projects.

Carolien said...

What a lovely pink creations! My compliments!

Greetings, Carolien

Beth said...

I loved your blog! Everything is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

very beautiful !


All your stitching is truly lovely. Love the dilly bags. I have just one made for me by a friend. I also love pink. Hugs Judy

MysteryKnitter said...

How stunning! I mean your stitching. You can make bags and pillows. I could never make anything that pretty.