I had no idea what a dilly bag was until a couple of months ago when a friend brought one of the Australian patchwork and applique magazines in to my quilting group. I saw this bag in the magazine and just fell in love with it. I'd never done applique before and my machine is very basic so I decided to go with hand blanket stitch around the flower shapes.
I really like the way it turned out and it's BIG. You wouldn't believe how much this bag can hold. I think it makes a great sewing bag the way the pockets go around the side.
By a strange co-incidence my friend Char had been working on a dilly bag at the same time and imagine my surprise and delight when she sent me this bag as a surprise gift.
I absolutely love the bag that Char made. Everything she makes has a special something about it that makes me smile. I love the fabrics she chose and the cute teddy bear applique which makes up one of the three blocks.
This block has yo yo flowers
this is a crazy patch block. There's also a log cabin block and see the special swing tag Char made
It's a slightly smaller bag than the one I made but it still holds such a lot. I can definitely see more dilly bags in my sewing future!
Well, thanks to my lovely friends my mermaid collection is growing all the time.
Angela treated me to Ellen Chesters Maidens of the Sea cross stitch chart just because. I had had my eye on this design ever since it was released and am thrilled to finally have it. I love the two fish thread winders that come with the chart. Also in the picture are the Rue Green linen I'm planning to use, a scissor fob made by me (with an ocean theme of course)and a gorgeous mother of pearl thread winder in the shape of a mermaid that came from friend Sheila who also lives in Spain.
(Click on the picture if you want a close up)
and from Yuko in Japan came this gorgeous mermaid pinkeep. The design is from Carriage House Samplings alphabet series but see how Yuko personalized it especially for me?
Instead of M for Mermaid Yuko stitched M for Margaret! What a great idea. I just love it Yuko and can't thank you enough for this beautiful keepsake.
Finally I just wanted to share the latest additions to my pattern library.
I bought the book Rotary Magic because it is such a good teaching aid for a novice quilter like me. I bought Quilts from Grandmother's Garden sight unseen only to discover that it's a miniature quilt that uses 1/4" hexagons!!! I thought I was crazy enough wanting to do hand piecing in the first place but 1/4" hexagons has to be insanity.
Finally, a new cross stitch book by Blackbird Designs. Thank you Sarah Tobias is a book of designs based on an antique sampler. I love this book and am looking forward to stitching from it.
I'm sorry for the long gap between posts. Sometimes life gets in the way - I'll try to do better.
In the works I have stitchery, cross stitch and a quilted bag made from charm packs.
Hopefully I'll be sharing those with you soon.
So nice to see you post Margaret. I just adore your dilly bag, such soft pretty fabrics. You did a terrific job on it... The bag from Char is a cutie. So I suppose this means you're over your bag phobia now.*s*
Hi Margaret! Your posts are always so enjoyable to read and your photos are feasts for the eye!
Your Dilly Bags are wonderful as are all the other gifts you have received. Can you hear my heavy sigh? Your work is nothing less than perfection and filled with TLC. Beautiful, beautiful!
Margaret, I just adore that pink Dilly Bag!! How in the world did I know you were making one, while I was making you another???? What are the odds? Your work is just perfect and I can see you took time to pick just the right fabrics!!! Makes mine look sick!!!! lol
It is so good to see that you are back Margaret. I hope that all is well. Love your Dilly bag. Isn't it great to have wonderful friends! What would we ever do without them??
Margaret... I love your pink dilly bag... it is lovely... the one Char made is cute as well... That crosstitch mermaid pattern is nice... hope you do that and show us all.....
Cath Ü
Love the dilly bags they are great, and you hand did the applique pheww it looks very neat and tidy, great job.
Margaret you have done well - I love your dilly bag and the one your friend made. You obviously have a great theme going with the mermaids and fish - very fun.
Jenny F
Gorgeous work! The Dilly Bags are wonderful.
wow love the dilly bag you made and how lucky to receive another........you can pop a projects into each........
of forgot glad to see you back and the books look great to......
Your bag is adorbable...LOVE IT...well done Margaret...hugs Khris
Love the dilly bags Margaret - which Australian publication did you see it in?
Am envious of the additions to your bookshelf - and your stash.
Great to see you posting again.
Your dilly bags are just lovley...
Your Dilly Bags are very lovely!!!
As always, beautiful work Margaret!! Very lovely dilly bag you made as are the gifts you've received. Nice stash too!
so happy to see you back. Your ditty bag is really beautiful. Your flowers are perfect. The military used to call their shaving bags ditty bags, but not fancy like yours.
Everything you have is great, and looks like your patterns will keep you busy for a very long time.
Nancy V. from Holland
Margaret, it's so great to see you blogging again. Your dilly bags are just gorgeous - I have never seen any before. They are both adorable.
I love all your new stash. I have also ordered the new Blackbird Design book and am looking forward to receive it.
Is vey very pretty!!!!
Both Dilly Bags are beautiful - I´ve never heard of them before. And love all your other mermaidy things too. It´s good to see you back blogging :)
I love the dilly bags. The one you made is so bright and summery and the one your friend made is so warm and cozy ;)
Margaret your work is beautiful. I love seeing what you have done.
What a group of treasures both Mermaid and not. It's a treat to see the bags!
Hey girl! Good to have you back here in blog-land. Your bag is very pretty and what a nice thing to receive as a gift. Thanks for sharing. :)
Aha! So Dilly bag is what you call them!! I had been wondering if there was a name for this sort of bag... Both bags look great! Enjoy your work and your gift ;o)
The dilly bags are marvelous! You and Char did a great job on them. If your Mermaid collection keeps growing, you might not have room for your husband soon. LOL
Those dilly bags are absolutely gorgeous Margaret. You did a fantastic job on yours and the one that Char made is so sweet.
Love the gift you received from Yuko:)
Hi Margaret,
love your Dilly bag what great fabrics you used. Also, love the one you received from Char.
I also have the Ellen Chester Mermaid chart - is this another possible SAL???
Glad to see you back posting again.
Hello, dear Margaret !
So nice to get news from you :>)
You did a wonderful job on your tulip dilly bag, and your treats are sooo cute, too :>)
Enjoy, dear ! (Glad you're back)
Nice to see you back Margaret, I've been thinking of you a lot just recently and wondered how everything went back here in the UK. I'll drop you a line shortly.
What a beautiful bags!
Kind regards
Beertje Zonn
Happy to hear from you !
Your dilly bag is absolutly gorgeous ! The fabrics you chose are very nice. Congratulations for the appliques :-))
Congrats to Char and Yuko !
Beautiful Blackbird Designs book !
Your bag is gorgeous Margaret, you have done a wonderful job!
Hi Margaret,
Your Dilly Bags are absolutely beautiful and lovely!
Can you hear my heavy sigh, too?
You have very wonderful talent, as I always say! But it's true!
Hello Margaret,
What a lovely bags!!! I love them all. I hope you will have fun with your new books and patterns.
Have a great weekend!
Greetings, Carolien
What beautiful Dilly Bags Margaret! They are just lovely! Thanks for visiting my blog too. I'll be back to visit x Rachel
Hi Margaret: Such an interesting blog. You have so many projects in hand and I love to see them all. Although I'm primarily a quiltmaker and adventurer in cyberspace (see my new teaching website for beginning and advanced quilters launching this weekend at http://www.simplequiltmaking.com) my passion for a hobby is cross stitching and I have a sweet mermaid kit I am on the verge of breaking open!!!
I will put you on my list and watch for your next post!
Janet in rural Nova Scotia, Canada
Welcome back Margaret.
Love your dilly bag - first time I have heard of them.
Another wonderful treasure you have made. The dlly bag is wonderful. I am laway amazed at your great workmanship! sp
Margaret your bags are gorgeous! Congratulations! I´ll have to try that design sometime ;)
Nice to read you again my dear friend :)
The Dilly Bags are just adorable! You are very talented.
Your dilly bag is so nice! Beautiful colors.
Your dilly bag is so nice! Beautiful colors.
Your dilly bags are so cute. Love them both. Nice coincidence that your friend made you one.
Like the look of the Blackbird Designs book. Thanks for sharing.
Margaret, hi there,
I can't believeI haven't commented on this post!!! I thought I had. The little dilly bags are so pretty and pretty useful too. I love the pink, of course.
The Margaret mermaid gift from Yuko is just gorgeous. What a clever idea but, then, Yuko is well known for her amazing ideas and beautiful finishing!
Your collection of mermaids is definitely growing :>)
Your books look so interesting, maybe one day I will be able to browse through them, I'm quite a globe trotter, after all :>)
Hugs, Angela
I've just find your blog, stayed for a while and enjoyed all your work! The bags are lovely!
Good work!
Hi Margaret,
It's nice to see that you are back!
The Dilly bags are both great! It's nice to see the thoughtful gifts that your friends sent you. It looks like you've got quite a following--many commenters appreciating your blog!
Your future projects (the Blackbird sampler and Grandmother's Flower Garden) look like fun.
As always, it's a pleasure to see what you are working on.
The dilly bags are gorgeous. You could sell them.
Love your blog! Your dilly bag is beautiful. Now I'm inspired to try my hand at one, too.
Hi Margaret, I love your work.
Your Dilly Bags are wonderful;
The Dilly bag you made is awesome.
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