Friday, March 7, 2008

A Little Bit of Everything.

Well, it's been a while since my last post but I finally have a few new things to blog about.
I've finished a couple of pinkeeps - the first one is a Brightneedle freebie design Humble Daisys.
I went out on location for the photo shoot LOL. Roaming around the weeds and nettles on a piece of waste ground near to where I live. Anyone passing would have probably thought I was nuts but I had to find a daisy!
Please click on the picture as it looks so pretty when seen close up.

I couldn't decide which picture I like best so you get to see both of them :)

I have no idea what the purple flowers are but they are so pretty. I snapped this picture on my way down to the beach.

The second pinkeep is one of the JBW French Country series using the recommended threads and linen.

Still with the cross stitch I stitched a Stacy Nash Primitives design which was supposed to be a sampler pinkeep drum. Here's how it should have looked

I had so much trouble with it as nothing I did even remotely resembled a drum so here's what I ended up with

I turned the stitched piece into a zippered pouch from a tutorial I found here
I thought the zippered pouch would make a great project bag so I made a matching needlecase. Here's a view of the back of the needlecase

Moving on to stitchery now I just love to visit Nadine's blog and on my last visit I saw the most gorgeous little heart shaped stitchery piece. This reminded me that I had started a heart shaped stitchery from the Bronwen Hayes Flower Bed Quilt book.
I quickly finished the heart and turned it into a little door hanger.

Now I want to show you the newest addition to my mermaid collection :)
I received a lovely surprise in the mail from Roberta who sent me a belated birthday gift. It seems like my birthday went on forever this year but hey, I'm not complaining!
Here is the little glass mermaid. Isn't she just gorgeous? By the way, she's lying on some fancy fabrics I have saved for the day when I do an ocean themed crazy quilt block but I'm not sure when I'll ever get round to that! The little mermaid looks like she is swimming in a sparkling sea doesn't she?

Roberta also sent a tin of Key Lime Coolers - delicious bite sized cookies in the most gorgeous tin that has a view of the ocean and a pretty Marjolein Bastin card. Thank you so much Roberta.

Another friend did something really special for me. Domy is from France and when I told her I loved the cross stitch designs by French designer Isabelle Vautier she told me she would soon be going to a stitching show where Isa V. would be one of the vendors. Domy offered to shop on my behalf by getting me Isa V's book and she was also kind enough to send me a French stitching magazine as well.

Here's the inscription Isa V. did for me in both French and English

and here's a page with some of the many lovely projects

Still on th subject of books and reading matter here is my latest book purchase.

I enjoyed the recent BBC dramatisation of Cranford so much that I wanted to read more of Elizabeth Gaskell.
OK, I'm almost done but I just wanted to show you the prize I won on Nancy's blog

This was for guessing the date and birth weight of her new grand daughter. I guessed the correct date and was within a couple of pounds of the weight. Now why can't I correctly phrophesy the lottery numbers???
Oh, and I'm happy to tell you that one of the three apron swaps came good in the end :)
Maria lives in PA and made me this apron on her treadle sewing machine.

She told me she chose the blue fabric to remind me of the ocean which I love.

Next time I will be showing off two bags. One is made be my friend Char and the other by me.


Char said...

JUST GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I have been watching for you to update.....And if I was close, I would come and steal that little heart hanging!!!!!!!! Just just sooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he he..
hugs, Char

Kim said...

Sigh...I just love your posts. Char will have to tangle with me over that little heart, lol, it's mine!! Heehehee. As always, your work is exquisite! See you in the chat box.

Anonymous said...

Your work is just stunning, as usual Margaret. What a wonderful book you received. I'm sure we'll be seeing loads of beauties in the near future.


Sally said...

Wow, Margaret, you have been incredibly busy and it is all so beautiful!

Carolien said...

Oh my, I have seen so many beautiful things and such beautiful weather as well, I'm lying flat behind my computer, longing for summer and dreaming and wishing my productivity level would be like yours! It's stunning, it's as simple as that.

Have a nice weekend & greetings, Carolien

Pat said...

Margaret, You have gone and done it again! What beautiful work you have done. If you ever want to give up stitching(and I hope you don't) you could become a professional photographer. Your photos are lovely. Love your pinkeeps. That is the cutest mermaid that I have seen. Have a wonderful weekend.

Nancy said...

Oh Margaret! This is one of the most wonderful blog posts I have seen! You have so much eye candy. The pinkeeps are gorgeous - I don't know which I like best. Your little heart is very sweet. And, I think you are very, very clever to turn the Stacy Nash design into a zippered pouch and needlecase. You really do amazingly beautiful work!

I love the apron you were given - gorgeous fabric. And I LOVE the little glass mermaid Roberta sent you - she's a sweetie. And, how generous of the friend in France to send you the booklet. Thank you so much for sharing all these wonderful and very inspirational projects.

Anonymous said...

Oh margaret the apron looks so nice in your house. I am so glad you like it.

Your work is absolutely stunning!

hugs, maria from PA

angelasweby said...

Oh my goodness Margaret!
I only had a spare five minutes so I idly nipped over to your blog!! 5minutes - not even 5 hours would be enough to savour all the beautiful delights I saw there, or a box of Kleenex mansized tissues be enough to mop up the drool. I cannot even begin to tell you how much pleasure seeing all your work gave me so I am not even going to try - just expect a very long email :>)
Warm hugs. Love Angela

Misty said...

Wow, Margaret, you've been making some great pieces lately! Your stitchery is adorable. I think that your sewing pouch turned out great and maybe it is better that the drum didn't work out in the end. I am always impressed by the innovation that comes from something not turning out as one planned.

The gifts you received are lovely, especially the mermaid!

Looking forward to seeing your bags on your next post!

Take care,


~Bren~ said...

Your pictures could be an advertisment in a magazine. I especially loved the pear photograph! So glad you got and apron. It is wonderful. Your ocean is blue, I am sure there is a family of mermaids living there!!

Andrea said...

Wow, your finished items look so great. Some beautiful gifts too.
Oh how I long for some of that sunshine....

Sue said...

You made some great pinkeeps. Sorry you couldn't make the one into a pinkeep drum, but you did a great job on the pouch and needlecase ;)

Nancy said...

Your pictures are so beautiful. I love the little zippered bag you made. Your pin keep is so nice and the pear stitching is great. You have been a very busy lady. I only wish I had your sun.

Christine said...

OH Margaret, everything is soooo beautiful. Beautiful photos, beautiful projects. You take the most amazing pictures.

Your lovely little pinkeep looks so nice amoungst the flowers.

The Stacy Nask worked out very well in the end. I really like how you finished it.

The apron is awesome. Blue is not my colour but I will make an acception for that's stunning!

Wow the mermaid from Roberta is wonderful. How sweet is she! It is amazing what they can do with glass.

Beautiful pictures of Spain. I never tire of those :-)

Looking forward to your next post and what are sure to be a couple of dreamy bags.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Very nice you are one talented lady...

Yuko said...

Oh wow, Margaret!
How can you make such wonderful things in a short time???
They all are so beautiful and sweet!
I love the first photo for the Brightneedle Pinkeep! :D
By the way, Stacy Nash's bag is absolutely wonderful!!
I'm so enjoying to see your blog, everytime I have lots of fun!

Sandra said...

Gorgeous finishes Margaret, I love the pinkeep - I am going hunting for that freebie as soon as I finish here. Also the heart with the freestyle stitches - very pretty, you are so clever.

Anonymous said...

Everything's so beautifully done. That little heart is just so sweet.

Thanks for sharing with us all those lovely photos.

Sonda said...

Your stitching is wonderful. I love that Humble Daisy pinkeep.

Sheila said...

I love looking at your blog - what exquisite work you do. The pinkeeps, the Stacy Nash Bag (much more useful than a drum - lol!) and most especially the heart pillow are all absolutely gorgeous!!! And that mermaid.... WOW! It is all so inspiring - there is quite a bit of drool on my keyboard :)

Sweet P said...

Wow! I love everything you make. I'm so glad one of your apron swaps came through. The blue apron is gorgeous.

Khris said...

Wow Margaret your goodies are all wonderful. I love them all. Hugs

Cath Ăś said...

Margaret... I love your blog.. you sure do live in a beautiful area...

So glad you joined our craft group...

Cath Ăś

Deb said...

Hi, Margaret! I picked up your blog link from our Brides Tree SAL group...and so glad I did! It's always great to find new stitching friends. I love what you stitch and post! Deb

hazel c UK said...

Hi Margaret, Your projects are so beautiful especially the little heart. Your photos are worthy of a place in a magazine, I think the flowers might be called Mesembryanthemum the close up when the sun goes in. You sure live in a magical place, Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us all. Warm hugs, Hazel

diane said...

You have been SO busy, how can you say you just now have something to post!!! Love the apron, love the Isa V. stuff, lucky you!!! Your pinkeeps are adorable, but I am especially fond of the pear. It is so elegant. And, your stitchery is so lovely, Margaret! I really have loved every piece you have ever done. Your rendition of Stacy's design is awesome, I have to check out the zippered pouch tutorial.

Andrea said...

I love your work but i love Costa Blanca ;-) Were do you live on the Costa Blanca ???

Tanya Marie said...

Terrific update and I love all the pictures!!! I much prefer your Stacy Nash finish than to what her model was - yours is far more practical :) Love it!!!


Ruth said...

Thanks for all the lovely pictures. I feel kinda silly saying I envy you your beautiful beach since I live a mere 4 miles from the beach and I can see it form my office windows. :) Nonetheless I appreciate you shairng all the lovely sitching, stashing, and beaches!

Clare said...

Margaret - so pleased your exchanges came good in the end! You have been busy - I think your pin keeps are wonderful, love the colour of the JWB pear. Will be in touch soon.


Chelle said...

Wow, so many beautiful things! I love what you did with the Stacy Nash Drum - what a fantastic idea! The little heart shaped stitchery is so cute. Great post!

Carol R said...

Hi - this is my first visit to your blog. I found the link from Yuko's blog and wow I am amazed at your wonderful stitching projects, the lovely area in which you live and your blog in general. I have bookmarked you for future visits.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow! Everything is just gorgeous!

Roberta said...

Hi Margaret, I am a bit behind in reading blogs. I just love the Pear pinkeep, it is a perfect finish for that design. I also love the Stacy Nash drum turned into a pocket, very clever.

Also, TAG your it!!! go to Heidi's blog for instructions on write a 6 word memoir.

Love Roberta

Christine said...

Your stitching is all so beautiful.
I really like that gorgeous heart and the Humble Daisies are another favourite. Hope you are having a happy Easter.

Patricia Lessell said...

Boy I loved looking at all your stuffs. Don't know which one I loved the best - will have to come back and have another look when it's not so late because I only came here to TAG YOU. Just go to my blog and see what it's all about.

Lots of Love

Patti xxx

Christie said...

It's ok that the pinkeep didn't turn out like a drum...I still love it and will put it to good use along with the personalized needlecase...C R
Thank you so much Margaret!

Char said...

Margaret...what wonderful projects you have finished..Boy have you ever been busy!!! Welcome home ..I missed you......

Patricia Lessell said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the pinkeeps and the mermaid! I am so green with envy it just isn't true. And the heart door thingy that was totally wonderful. i shall come again sooner than this time. Love your post. Lots of love Patti xxx

Angela said...

Your embroidery work is amazing. So gorgeous!

Veronica said...

I stumbled across your blog while looking at other stitchers' blogs. I must say, your stitching is gorgeous and has given me inspiration. I have truly enjoy my visit to your blog. I will definitely check back again. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hello! I am inloved with your blog and every one of your works!
Sorry, but my English is not very good!

Sally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Your blog is very beautiful, thanks a lot!

MysteryKnitter said...

I am sad that one of your stitched things failed. I am glad you were able to tame it, though. Someone will get a nice present, I'm sure about that.
I am glad the apron thing turned out fine in the end. You got such a nice apron.