I have a couple of small finishes to share this time that I haven't been able to show until now. They were made as little gifts and are now with their new owners.
First is A Rosey Year scissor fob by Shepherds's Bush. I thought this was perfect for Francoise who adores all things pink :)
It's very small so you'll probably see it better if you click on the picture for a better view.
Next is a small pincushion from the Blackbird Designs book A Needle and Thread.
Heidi has a love of the countryside and somehow this little bird seemed just right for her.
I tea dyed the trim on the pincushion because I couldn't find any that was not garish in colour and I used fabric from the Blackbird Designs Sweet Romance line to back it.
This will probably be my last post this year as we leave for UK on Thursday 20th and will not return to Spain until 1st January.
Before I go I want to thank each and every one of you for your wonderful friendship and for all the nice comments you've left on my blog. Blogging wouldn't be any fun at all without YOU so thanks for stopping by.
I wish everyone all the very best for the holiday season. Good health and happiness in 2008 and above all a productive year whatever your chosen crafts.
I cannot thank you enough for my wonderful gift!!! I just love it.
I also think the fob for Francoise is so perfect. I am sure she loves it as it is so pretty and pink.
Hugs ~
Gorgeous Margaret, but then all your work is beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful time back in the UK, stay warm and safe and I look forward to your return.
What beautiful finishes Margaret - hope you've packed your thermals - cos you WILL need them! (-7 on Friday night!)
Margaret what beautiful gifts! You put so much thought into what you give because like you, I think these definitely reflect the personalities of Francoise and Heidi. They are lovely! Your work is always nothing less than perfection.
Happy Holidays,
What wonderful finishes. Your work is ALWAYS so beautifully finished. I'm sure the 'gals' are ecstatic with their prezzies! I love both those designs very much but I especially love the little phrase on the back of Francoise's fob :>)
Have a safe journey and hope to chat to you in England.
Hugs, Angela
Your works are so beautiful, Margaret ! Have a safe trip to UK, a merry Christmas in family, and a very happy new year in Spain ! (Watch your mailbox, when you get back ! :>)
Hugs & smiles to you,
really gorgeous your gifts, Margaret !
I wish you a Merry Chritsmas with all your family in UK and see you next year !!
Don't forget your gloves, your scarves and your warm clothes, it's very cold in Northern Europe !
XXX Domy
Wonderful finishes and stitching. Have a great trip to UK and have a happy holiday.
Mararet's cissor fob is more and more beautifull...So lovely you can't imagine!!!
It has found its new scissors and Françoie and began to accept its new home
Another big big thank to Margaret for this so geogous gift
Hi Margaret,
Nice your stitches!!I could see big photos.So lovely both!!
I wish to express my gratitude for the thing that it was able to meet you this
year. I'm lokking foward talk with you at next year.
Have a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Margaret! Both of your works are so adorble and stunning!
You are so talented and I love your taste very much!!!!
I especially love the small fob as a pink lover! lol
Margaret they are both so beautiful but I really really love the Blackbird Designs one and shall stitch it soon. I hope you have a great time in the U.K. and a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Lots of love Patti xxx
Beautiful finishes, gorgeous colours on the scissor fob.
Hope you have packed some woolley socks and some thermals for here in the UK. :)
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.
Those are gorgeous stitcheries! How lucky your friends are.
Happy holidays to you as well.
Thank you for your friendship Margaret. I am so blessed to call you Friend :-)
Your stitching and finishing are beautiful. You never cease to WOW me with all your lovely creations.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Wishing you a safe journey home.
Beautiful - I am enjoying seeing all your gorgeous work. The Blackbird Designs pincushion is just stunning. Your friends are very lucky.
That pineapple thing, the one you crocheted, is awesome! I could never make anything like that.
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