I don't know why it's taken me this long to discover how much I love Redwork.
This is my very first attempt and, while I know I wouldn't win any prizes for this piece, I really like how it turned out.
It was definitely a learning experience. I stitched with two strands of DMC #498 onto a piece of unbleached calico.
After trying out a few stitches on a doodle cloth I finally settled on Stemstitch as the one I found easiest to work and liked the look of.
The pattern design was an Internet freebie and I traced the design using my glass coffee table and a water erasable pen.
It took a while for me to be satisfied that the pen markings had gone from my fabric and I've since purchase a red pigma pen with a very fine tip for my next attempt.
I joined a Yahoo group for Redwok and have learned a lot. It seems that most people prefer to use a fabric called Kona Snow so I need to find where I can buy that.
If you are wondering what I plan to do with this embroidery I have a little drawstring bag pattern pictured here. I'd like to find some fabric with little red hearts or maybe just a red and cream print fabric of some kind.
For anyone considering whether they would like to try this type of handwork I'd say have a go - it's lots of fun and it goes a lot faster than cross stitch!
Wow, how fantastic! I remember you saying you wanted to branch out into other types of stitching and I have to admit to selfishly hoping we wouldn't lose your presence on FTLOS! You are such a talented person and your first attempt is fantastic!
@oo hoo, Margaret, congratulations on trying something new! You have made something truly lovely and I can't wait to see the complete finished bag. ;)
Oh, WOW!! Margaret, that is stunning!!! So so pretty. YGG!
wow, this turn out to be very pretty. Great job for the first time.
I love redwork Margaret! This turned out great and I see much more redwork in your furture.
Oh Margaret it's beautiful! I'm so glad you gave this a try as I know you have been wanting to. You did a beautiful job, and I would definitely give you a prize for your work. I also love redwork (you already knew that!), and maybe I'll give it a try some day too. Congratulations on pursuing another interest.
Margaret it turned out beautifully, it's very addictive isn't it? If you need links for stores in the US for the Kona let me know, I shop only where I can buy it for less.....lol...
Well well, you clever thing you :>) This is just beautiful. Nobody would ever think it was your first attempt. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. It's such a pretty pattern.
Hugs, Angela
so beautifull Margaret!!!!!!
What beautiful redwork. I am getting the itch...I have always wanted to redwork and may just need to give it a try. I would like to do dishtowels I think. Something fast.
Beautiful flower!!I like redwork,too!
It's beautiful and as if you've been doing this forever.
Happy 4th July.....I am not going to publish my UFO list (does that include the projects I have got but not even started) it is scary....congrats on 75 posts.........
opps wipe the last comment I have got mixed up which screen I was leaving a comment on.....naughty me...now for your comment.....like the redwork don't be affraid to do it all blue or another colour.....just found your site and had added you to my list......great pics.....
Love your Red Work M.M.. Just beautiful. Hard to believe it's your first attempt. Looks very professional.
Kono Snow is sold by Robert Kaufman
Thanks for sharing about that type of fabric! This is the first I heard of it. What group did you join? I searched for Rework on Yahoo and several groups came up. :) Is there a Redwork post you have that lists about how to or blogs about it or other stuff? Please comment on my blog or email me, thanks! :D paula aatt paurian doott com
That little heart is awesome!
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