Thursday, May 24, 2007

Today at the beach

Here are a few pictures I took this morning while we were in town shopping.
This stretch of beach has rocks and, as the sea was a bit rough, I had to walk out on them just for the pleasure of seeing the waves crash :)


Anonymous said...

Totally green with envy... It must be hard living there with such beautiful

Nancy said...

Margaret it's gorgeous! I'm so happy for you that you get to live in these surroundings. What a dream!


CONNIE W said...

It's a very beautiful place.

Heidi said...

What a beautiful walk you had! I guess you are not having any problems with the bad weather and flooding we are hearing Spain is having on our news???

Anonymous said...


Christine said...

Awesome M.M.!! What an interesting place to take a stroll. The day you took those pictures we had snow and the thought entered my mind to hop on the next plane to Spain.

Sachiko said...

OH!!What a beautiful place!!Do you live near the beach?I'm long for your life.I'm live in JAPAN.

MysteryKnitter said...

Awesome pictures!