Thursday, June 21, 2007

Out and about

No stitching for me just lately so nothing new to show here.

This is because we've had visitors from New Zealand staying with us.
While they were here we took them to as many places as we could so they could get the most out of their visit.
These pictures are of a place called Altea. There is a street market every Tuesday selling everything you could possibly imagine and the prices are cheap!
After we'd browsed the market we walked up the hill (in baking heat) through the old town to the square where there is the most beautiful church and a magnificent view of the ocean down below. You can see from this picture just how high we climbed!
Sadly the church was closed on this occasion but I did get a few pictures taken of the outside.


Nancy said...

Oh Margaret! As always your pictures of Spain are magnificent. Of course you already know how much I love the ocean, but the ironwork and vines on the buildings are just beautiful. I am so jealous!

CONNIE W said...

The view is spectacular. I'm sure your visitors appreciated the tour!

Anonymous said...

Your friends must have had a fantastic time. Your photos really are beautiful. I love the scenery and the market sounds great. You will have to go again and visit the church. It's such a nice time of year, too, not too hot.

Anonymous said...

What beautiful photo's Margaret, I'm green with envy. How blessed you are to be surrounded by such beauty. I hope your friends had a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

Really beautifull!!!

Rachel V said...

Hello Margaret, beautiful pictures! Did you know I speak Spanish? I learned Central/South American Spanish, of course, but I did have a few teachers who were from Spain.

Philo said to tell you thank you so much for the pats and scratches you so kindly sent to him. He purred back with love. :)

I love the little Mermaid pillow and yes, I agree, anything French-inspired is tres chic!

Oh, and your quilt is looking so pretty.

Christine said...

How beautiful! As a mother of a skateboarder I just have to ask if the Spanish kids skateboard down the ramps?