My post this time is to share pictures of gifts given and received in the last few weeks.
My lovely friend Pat sent the most wonderful box of goodies for my birthday.
Inside one of the packages was this sweet little cross stitch piece. I love the cute ladybird button and the gorgeous frame.
Another beautiful framed piece. I believe this one is a Crabapple Hill pattern
I love buttons so this is just perfect for me.
Here's a close up of the stitchery which is done in a very pretty variegated thread
Yes, there was more! This little wool acorn done in wool is adorable. I love the little stick pins.
and how about this lovely stitched pillow with the wool trim and gorgeous button
This lovely little sewing themed charm set
and some yummy chocolates that are just a happy memory now. Thank you so much Pat. You really spoiled me and I love it all :)
One of my friends had a February birthday and for her I made this kitty needle keeper which was on her wishlist.
inside is a felt heart for the needles and the dress has a pocket at each end for sewing notions. I think the pictures should be clickable if you want to see a better close up.
and of course I had to make a little bag to keep the kitty in :)
The bag is from my well loved and much used Gail
Pan Poppy's Sewing Set pattern
I've lost count of how many times I've made it now but it's a lot. I changed the stitchery to one by Bare Roots
I stitched this design by the Sampler Girl and made it into a pillow
The back
Finally this little design by the Prairie Schooler which went to another friend. It is stitched on 40 ct Flax linen using the recommended DMC threads
I've also been sewing pouches for a charity fundraiser I'm involved in but I'll save those pictures for next time.
Thanks as always for your continued visits to my blog, for your kind comments and welcome to new followers.
Happy Easter!
Wow Margaret, what a wonderful birthday package you received from Pat. There are so many different things. The little framed MOP stitchery card is gorgeous, so vintage. Everything is lovely.
I don't know what to say about the wonderful pink Gail pan bag, little kitty needle book and Jane Austen pillow except to breathe a huge contented sigh that all those goodies are now residing in my house and regularly looked at and held lovingly :-) The kitty which was on my wish list would have been enough but to also receive the beautiful bag AND the JA pillow, a welcome addition to my JA collection, was amazing. Your work is a joy to look and, Margaret. thank you so much.
Lovely little PS ornament too, a welcome sign of Spring we have yet to see :-)
So many pretty gift, both the received and the given. I especially loved that last cross stitch.
I love them! Thank you so much for your lovely blog!
Happy Easter! :)
Hugs, Ulla (Ulla's Quilt World)
Beautiful presents, both given and received! So sweet!
These finishes are simply gorgeous, I love your bags and your gifts, they are delicious!
Everything is so pretty! I love the little clever!
Hope you had a wonderful birthday. Enjoyed seeing all the goodies in this post!
Wonderful. Your little kitty set is such an inspiration, thank you for sharing your work.
You have a lovely group of birthday friends. Very sweet gifts given and received. I love the button "card." Happy belated birthday. Happy Easter.
So much prettiness Margaret!
I love the little button picture , really beautiful and as for the little kitty, soooo cute as well as practical.
Wishing you a very happy Easter!
V xxx
Margaret, what wonderful gifts you received from Pat. As always your stitching and sewing abilities are superb. Great projects.
Lovely makes,,, love the kitty
Very pretty finishes, and lovely gifts from Pat. Happy Easter!
Love the gifts-- and I think your pink version of the bag looks much prettier than the original pattern! Love catching up on your monthly posts.
Wonderful gifts from Pat! I love what you stitch and sew for your friend especially that bag! Just beautiful!
Happy Easter!
Wonderful little finishes!
Everything is lovely Margaret. You are so deserving of the beautiful gifts!
Wow such sweet finishes xx
Oh that kitty is so cute! Lovely idea :D
Wonderful finishes! Congrats!! :)
It is all so wonderful, but the kitty is just precious! A Happy, Blessed Easter to you.
You are very welcome, Margaret. You made some beautiful gifts. I always love your choice of fbrics. I know which one went to Angela. You have been a busy girl. Happy Easter!
Dear Margaret,
lovely gifts you got and lovely gifts you made. I don´t know what ist the most beautiful...I guess everything ;-)
Happy easter, Hugs
Beautiful pieces!
These are all gorgeous, wonderful things, but the best I think is the adorable kitty and the matching bag! You did such a great job on those!
I love all the gifts!! All the ones given & received, fantastic work. Happy Easter too x
What wonderful gifts from Pat! And I just adore the little kitty pinkeep and bag you made, Margaret!!
Your PS Spring turned out perfectly--didn't you love stitching that piece? I'm sure your friend will treasure it...
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter today!
Gorgeous birthday gifts received. Your finishes are beautiful.
Such pretty gifts both sent and received. Wonderful finishes.
Oh very beautiful stitching, I love your blog, bisous from FRANCE
Wow! Beautiful gifts sent and received!
Oh what pretty pieces. Margaret please e-mail me with your birthday date xx
Hope you had a great Easter time!
How pretty gifts :) (Happy belated birthday).
Lovely stitching!!!
Happy week!Hugs,
Hello Margaret and Happy Spring to you... I always love to visit your postings. So many beautiful gifts you create and receive. Of course I always love anything "PINK"!! vbg Your are a very talented person. Take care My Friend. Hugs Judy
Wonderful gifts for you, and your kitty with a bag - simply adorable!
Jane Austen pincushion is soooo sweet!
Another delightful lot of goodies to swoon over. I can well imagine how thrilled Angela was with her kitty and bag. Love the sampler in fact love all this post.
Thank you for sharing.
Hazel c (UK)
Wonderful gifts both given and received.
Wow! Your friend is quite creative with her finishes! The little wool acorn is darling as is the pretty picture with the buttons. I love your little kitty bag and your pillow finishes too. I stitched the PS spring but haven't finished it yet.
I'm new to your blog and all of your stitching is lovely!
I love your blog header. What is the center design in your header?
Your friend's gifts are lovely and all your stitching and sewing is gorgeous
just found your lovely blog.
Your stitching is beautiful, I love the kitty finish.
I love the little kitty needle book. What a good idea and cute gift.
As usual, your cross stitch is gorgeous.
What beautiful gifts you received Margaret they are all lovely. I loved your little kitty set - just adorable . Another great stitching month for you.
I love that precious kitty! I'm going to put your blog on my blog list so I don't miss any of your posts! Hugs!
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