It's time to announce the winners of my giveaway.
First prize goes to Debbie
Second prize goes to Kaye
Congratulations to both of you! I'll mail your gifts as soon as I have your mailing address.
Thanks to everyone who entered. Hopefully I'll do another giveaway before too long.
On to other things..........
I finally finished long term UFO Sanctuary by The Drawn Thread. I've been looking longingly at everyone's new year starts and finishes but knew that I had to bite the bullet and focus on this piece. Here it is stitched on Elegant Bean linen using NPI SILKS.
Here's a close up of each of the four quadrants. I think the pictures should enlarge if you click on them.
Now to show you some gifts I have received that never made it onto the blog before now.
There are two new mermaids in my collection. The first is a beautiful pinkeep stitched for me by dear friend Hazel (no blog) in the UK
The other is a gift from friend Angela and also in UK. It's hard to get a good picture of this mermaid as she is made of clear glass but take my word for it she's gorgeous.
Finally these lovely gifts came from Sandra in UK.
I absolutely love the sewing machine thread holder and the gorgeous quilting fabric. There is also a FQ of cream evenweave.
Sandra doesn't have a blog but she has the most awesome Picasa album
Take a look and prepare to be blown away.
That's all I have to show this time but I'll be back soon with pictures of the latest bag I'm making.
The new word verification thing on Blogger is driving me demented so I have changed my setting to moderated comments so that you don't have to be bothered with trying to read unintelligble script.
As always many thanks for visiting and for your encouraging comments.
Beautiful. I don't think I've seen this design before. That's a lot of detail and work! Congratulations on your finish. Nice gifts, too!
Congrats to the winners! Sanctuary is gorgeous, congrats on the finish!
Wonderful gifts from friends!
What a lovely finish ... and such lovely gifts too! Enjoy!
Have a nice day & hugs, Carolien
Oh my! Sanctuary is BEAUTIFUL!
Great finish! Even better that it's a long term UFO!!!!!
Your drawn thread finish is beautiful! I bet you are glad to have it finished.
Congratulations to the very lucky winners. You're work is perfection. I always love seeing what you're up to. Lovely, delicate mermaid!
Congrats to the winners. Your stitching is gorgeous - what a beautiful piece. Congratulations on a grand finish!
Love all your goodies but am espeically curious about the sewing machine floss keeper? Can we get them somewhere?
Congratulations to the winners - sanctuary is stunning xx
Your finished UFO is spectacular! The mermaid gifts are so lovely. Congratulations on such an impressive finish.
Congratulations to the winners -- lucky them! Love your DT finish! Beautiful! Lovely gifts from friends too!
Beautiful 'Sanctuary' Margaret!!
Beautiful stitching Margaret and what lovely gifts.
Your DT is so pretty! I know you have to be so pleased it is done. Nice gifts too... love the glass mermaid.
happy stitching....
Congratulations to the winners - - they are very lucky ladies :)
Congratulation to the winners of the lovely creations that Margaret. Love the Glass Mermaid you received as a gift. Gorgeous. Your other stitching is as lovely as always. Hugs Judy
Congrats to the winners. Lovely finish. Gorgeous gifts received.
Congratulations to the winners!
Wow, your Drawn Thread piece is stunning, Margaret. Congratulations on a wonderful finish.
Sandra's photos are wonderful. I really enjoyed her garden pictures...Sandra start up a blog, I want stories with these beautiful pictures!!!
Such an amazing amount of work in your embroidery Margaret, it's so beautiful!
Congrats to the winners.
Vivienne x
Congratulations to the lucky winners. They are in for a real treat.
Your Sanctuary is amazing Margaret and such a labour of love. You must be thrilled to finally see it finished.
Glad you like the glass mermaid. I guarded her with my life all the way from America. Your other gifts are beautiful. The mermaid pinkeep is lovy and the gifts from Sandra too. I love that sewing machine thread holder :-)
Angela xx
What a gorgeous finish. Your stitching is lovely. Congratulations!
Beautiful gifts. That glass mermaid is very unique and so is the sewing machine thread holder.
Congratulations to Debbie and Kaye!
Congratualtions to you on finishing Sanctuary - it is a beautiful piece. Will you frame it? Mine was a long term stitch as well,but I love it and love the poem on it too.
Great gifts from friends and as I'm guessing that you have had a birthday I do hope it was happy.
ohhh well done on the finsh .. love those spider roses in the summer part :) your friends gifts to you are lovely especially the wee sewing machine ... I've got a real one like that ...
well done to the winners too :) love mouse xxxxx
So pretty!!!
Nice gifts!
Congratulations Debbie and Kaye!
Love your Sanctuary finish. It is such a pretty piece.
Lovely gifts:)
Your stitching project is just beautiful. lovely colours. what great gifts you received
x catherine
Oh, how beautiful your Sanctuary finish is, Margaret! I bought the chart last year and would love to start it, but I just can't seem to make myself settle down to any large project right now. I love studying each little stitch and motif in each quadrant--her designs are some of my favorites...
Congratulations to the lucky winners; looks like you were a winner yourself with all the lovely gifts from your friends :)
Santuary is a wonderful piece. I've seen it before but didn't think that I've ever attempt it because there's a lot to that piece. Congratulations!!! And wonderful gifts from your friends!
Sanctuary is absolutely stunning. Your work is so beautiful. Congrats on this big finish.
Your Sanctuary is gorgeous Margaret, all those changes in colour are such a pain, but well worth the end result. Glad you liked your gifts, the thread holder came from Australia - Mary got it for me.
Thank you so much, Margaret - what a wonderful gift for me to receive. I feel so lucky! I will email you my address right now.
Love your finished piece - so beautiful.
hugs, Kaye xoxox
Your finish is beautiful.
BEAUTIFUL, so very, very beautiful.
Wow! That is a beauty. I have never seen it either.
Love your gifts, very special.
I also hate the new word verification. I hardly ever get the letters correct the first time.
Congrats on the beautiful Drawn Thread finish. I have had that kitted up ever since it first came out! It's beautiful, and what a wonderful job you did.
Dear Margaret,
I would say: it would be good if you take a look on my blog...:-))
Perhaps you have something nice to see...:-))
Wow what a finish! You deserve a big pat on the back for that. Beautiful stitching. Congrats. :)
Enjoy your weekend.
Your Sanctuary is such a pretty piece Margaret with lots of details in it. Glad you liked your little pinkeep and Angela's mermaid is beautiful.
Congratulations to the winners and Congratulations to you Margaret for being the winner on Sigisart blog you are surely a worthwhile winner.
Ooooooh! Your Drawn Thread 'Sanctuary' is stunning! It is one of my favorite designs and is on my list of "must stitch"! Wonderful gifts....especially love the cute antique sewing machine thread keeper and quilting fabric.
Oh, I really envy you for having finished this wonderful project. It looks really fantastic. Whenever I see it on someone else's blog I remember mine which lies started but untouched for some years in my dreaded UFO box. But one day I'll pull it out. I think, lol.
Enjoy your beautiful gifts!
Question about postal deliveries? Yes.
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