I recently joined the SBEBB and was tempted by quite a few of the exchanges that were on offer.
I finally settled on the Shepherds Bush exchange because they have long been one of my top five most favourite cross stitch designers.
Here's a pinkeep I made for my partner Carolyn using the September design from SB a Year in Stitches series of charts.
The colours didn't show up very well in the first picture so here's another attempt. As always the pictures are clickable for a better view.
and here's one of the back of the pinkeep
I forgot to take a picture of the other things I included in the package but you can see them on Carolyn's blog here I think Carolyn's pictures are better than mine anyway!
I had no idea who was sending to me in this exchange until a package arrived from Carol
To say I was thrilled would be an understatement as Carol is someone whose beautiful stitching I've often admired.
Here's a picture of the gorgeous pinkeep she stitched for me
The pinkeep is beautifully stitched and finished and the backing fabric has tiny bees which is just perfect for the design.
Other goodies Carol sent are a chart by Blackbird Designs (another of my favourite designers) WDW Mermaid thread, a cut of the fabric that was used to back the pinkeep, needles, some pretty ribbons and a sweet Mary Engelbreit card.
What a happy exchange. Thank you so much Carol.
Next is a picture of the bag I made recently for my partner in Linda's bag and bucket swap. Once again I forgot to take pictures of what I sent along with the bag
but you can see more pictures on Jenny's blog
On the new stash front I've been lucky enough to find an empty Moda Madeira tin which I've wanted for ages.
I absolutely love the sewing accessories Jane Timmers of Fancy Work has designed for this tin which you can see here. To date I believe it's only available as a class piece which is out of the question for me but hopefully it will be available as a chart to purchase one of these days.
Finally a view of the beach taken this afternoon. It's still very hot here but the new school term has started and a lot of the Summer visitors have left.
Thanks so much for visiting me today :)
What beautiful parcels you received Margaret. Love that jelly roll tin. How on earth did you manage to find an empty tin? Now to a really dumb question.... What is a pinkeep? Is it like a pincushion? See I told you it was a dumb question.
Gorgeous pinkeeps, both sent and rec'd. Love the bag you made too!
Yet another beautiful bag that you´ve made - and the pinkeeps too. You have been a busy bee :)
Each stitchery is so beautiful. So is the view of the beach!
Your stitching is beautiful, as usual and so is the stitching on the pinkeep that you got. I'm with Linda...a Pinkeep??? I was wondering if it was similar to a needle case??? Your bag is lovely and I'm sure Jenny will get a lot of use out of it. Thanks for the beach picture...I was in need of a beach fix;) Happy Monday
Love the bag and the pinkeep exchanges are both beautiful :)
How pretty! I love all your photos. Beautiful pinkeeps!
Beautiful pinkeeps Margaret. You were very lucky to find a jelly roll tin.
Beautiful stitching and finishes. That is indeed a lovely exchange. Kinda made me wish I had joined the SB Exchange.
Love the little apple button. Was it part of the design or is that your own touch? Great job Margaret! I also have the Moda tin but filled with the jelly roll. How did you ever find one of them empty? I plan to turn mine into a little sewing kit when I use the fabric. Not high on my list of to dos with all my quilt UFOs floating around. LOL!
Hugs ~
Both pinkeeps are lovely. Very nice bag you made, I like it. And the tin, pretty!
Both pinkeeps are absolutely beautiful Margaret.
I love the bag you made. You are so talented and I really envy you being able to sew so beautifully.
very nice stitching...........
Such gorgeous pinkeeps! The one you made is so pretty Margaret and finished just perfectly, and I know how happy you must be with the one you received. Carol certainly does beautiful work! And, the bag, well it is just as beautiful as all the others you have made. It was nice visiting you today, and I only wish I could really sit under one of those palm trees!
Both pinkeeps are so beautiful!
I love BOTH!!
Your pinkeep is such a beautiful and elegant one, and Carol's is so lovely!
As always your quilting bag is amazing!!
And love the jelly roll tin!
The pinkeep you made is beautiful. I love the button. Did it come as part of a kit?
The bag is wonderful too. Lucky exchange partners!
Wow, you have been very busy. I love you September design. My Kristy would love that, her birthday is Sept.
The tote is sooo pretty. Well, just all of it is great. What a good post. I love it all.
Beautiful pinkeeps, nice bag.
I see so many beautifull things on this post! The stichery, the bag. just great.
Your swap bag and goodies seemed to please your swap partner. More stitchery goodness and the beach made for a glorious summer in Spain. Life is good, huh? :)
Hello Margaret,
Beautiful exchange!!
I love Shepherds Bush designs.
Both pinkeep are so perfect!!Gorgeous!!
Your purple bag is so lovely!
Thanks sharing beautiful summer photo.
from Japan
Hello Margaret, The bag you created is very lovely and your stitchery is beautiful. Oh, How I love looking at the photos of your beach. VBG Hugs Judy
Joehoe, what a lovely items again! LOVE the purple/lavender bag (is one of my favourite colours), it's just gorgeous!
Hugs, Carolien
WOW another wonderful post! So sorry for getting behind in blog land.
Both pinkeeps are soooo nice. You both did a beautiful job stitching and finishing.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bag you made for the swap. The heart really sets it off. You just make the nicest things Margaret.
Stunning pieces, very pretty stitching and finishing. I love the tote bag too, great job!
Lots of lovely things in this post. I like the bee pinkeep ... very cute and that tin is gorgeous. Will have to look out for one of those.
Hello Margaret. Love the Bee Happy Keeper you received in the exchange. I reckon I need tolearn how to do Cross Stitching. Love your purple bag too. YOU are soooo very talented. I love looking at your blog and see all the wonderful things you create. Hugs Judy
I've just been enjoying your blog. Your work is just beautiful.
The exchanges are awesome!
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